Friday, March 4, 2011

Symptoms After My Dog Dental Surgery

citizens of Italy (2): Alemanno and security. Now in Rome is also raped in the barracks of the carabinieri.

Gianni Alemanno is not very lucky. Since went to the Capitol through seppuku of his political opponents who have nominated the only face of his worst, did not give it good one. Mocked left and right for the various scandals involving the company and the transport of waste (assuming former terrorists and Cubist), forced by the "good " of PDL to make a ridiculous reshuffle in addition to redistribute some poltrocina, forced by the courts to open a belated inquiry into the phenomenon of rent at bargain prices, now finds himself the target of controversy for the issue of security in the city, his favorite warhorse. Apart from the continuing violence on immigrants, gays and "other" generally implemented consistently by human waste leaked from the extreme right, there is also a phenomenal record by wave of rapes, some of which occurred in the heart of the city.
Closing the circle comes the news that Roma women are likely to be raped even inside a police station. E ' the case of a thirty-two Italian stop for theft (he stole some clothes in a supermarket), which obviously did not have the mobile number of the prime minister. And so, after making her drink, three policemen and a policeman have abused her. The three heroic servants of the state have admitted to having sex with her, but loved that was consensual (as if it could be considered a consenting person behind bars who has sex with his captor). Since the story was published, were transferred to another station, on the Roman coast, not suspended from duty and salary, as would be sacrosanct. Alemanno, of course, said to have trust in that will isolate the "bad apples", which police and carabinieri are a bit 'as "comrades who make mistakes" of the Communists of old.
On the other hand what to expect from one who had chosen as a consultant on family don Ruggero Conti , the priest sentenced yesterday to 15 years in prison for rape child, and as a consultant in the field of public security, General Mario Mori , currently on trial in Palermo for the failure to capture of Bernardo Provenzano and investigated for collusion with the Mafia?


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