Friday, March 4, 2011

Can Creatine Mess With Your Heart?

March 8 March 8, Messina: Cloves of culture in comparison. Women's experience of integration

I the Christ is your jew and your democracy is Greek.
Your writing is your numbers are Arabic and Latin.
The your car is Japanese and your coffee is Brazilian.
Your watch is Swiss and your Walkman is Korean.
Your pizza is Italian and your shirt is Hawaiian.
Your holidays are Turkish, Moroccan or Tunisian.
Citizen of the World, do not blame your neighbor for being a foreigner .

We are all "foreigners" in the eyes of others, including us.

But if we are all foreigners, is no stranger you think?

The association "foreigners like us," in collaboration with the associations "Puerto de Buenos Aires "and" Futura Messina and Messina Anolf in collaboration with Centre for World No Borders and Palermo in March First Movement, is organizing a meeting and debate on the topic:

slices in culture in comparison.'s Experience di integrazione al femminile”

Martedi 8 marzo 2011 Sala Consiliare

ore 10,30 Provincia Regionale di Messina

L’incontro, a cui parteciperanno tra l’altro studenti e docenti dei maggiori licei cittadini, vedrĂ  donne di diversa origine raccontare la loro “esperienza Italia” con particolare riguardo al loro inserimento nel tessuto sociale, culturale ed economico di Messina.

Headquarters of foreigners like us
Messina, Via Castellammare No 6
InfoPoint: Messina, Via Ugo Bassi n. 123
Tel 3939080172


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