Thursday, March 10, 2011

Office 2007 Ita Patch

age? Nothing to do in Morocco public officials are honest

I can almost imagine the emissaries of the Italian Rais Morocco, along with an interpreter and a bag of money. He has gone bad, because Fkih Ben Salah, a town at the foot of the Atlas Mountains, they found that public officials are more honest than the North African country of ours. The novel Toto and Peppino were there to try to falsify the birth date of Karima El Marough , alias Ruby Rubacuori , came to light just Fkih November 1, 1992 and therefore still a minor at the time of the alleged offenses to "Muammar" Berlusconi the trial in Milan. They offered a substantial sum to an employee of the office dell'Anagrafe to touch up a couple of years, the data in order to drop the charge of aiding and abetting the prostitution of minors. But she said no.
The remaining two must be terrible, because here we have a civil servant bribe him with a pair of grandstand tickets for the stadium. The land was ready for the scam, thanks to the usual Journal, which last March 2 full-page shot: "The prime minister set the ace Ruby was of age, aided by the Corriere della Sera that in a classic style pieces " mailbox ", revealed the intimate confessions of the Prime Minister with his faithful: "It was recorded anagrafe two years after being born, we have evidence that he was a minor .
The only was revealed today by the Daily Done, instead of bringing the tissues of the Palace spokesman Chigi, sent three journalists in Morocco and interviewed the officials who has been trying to corruption. She had to contact the newspaper to tell the story of two Italians, who, along with a distinguished-looking Moroccan who was concerned about translated into Arabic conversation, had asked to see the birth certificate of Karima and then ask it to be backdated to 1990.
The shyster President reacted angrily. "And 'authorities must' Italian and Moroccan urgently ascertain if there is this official, if he has actually issued that statement, if the act 'actually occurred and, if so, the identity of the interpreter and the two Italian alleged that allegedly engaged in the conduct described , "they wrote in a threatening tone Piero Longo and Niccolo Ghedini , arguing that the infringement of the register in the municipality would be" totally useless and laughable since that data stored in multiple copies from different government authorities .''
pity that the fact he wrote very clearly that in small towns of Morocco, the registry is not computerized, that everything is recorded by hand in some libroni compiled in chronological order and that the emissaries Italians had first asked a fake birth certificate and then tampering with its big book. It was enough to bait the public with the excuse of backwardness and technological culture of Morocco, where he wants my lady, are all shepherds and enroll their children anagrafe two years later, and be able to cry again in the plot.


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