Thursday, March 3, 2011

Sensitive Vergina Lips

Afghanistan, the life of a mountain is more or less than nine children?

Afghanistan, the Middle East face of war disguised as peace mission. On Monday, following a Taliban attack (for foreign troops are Taliban all those who rebel against the occupation) is an Italian soldier dead, the captain Massimo Ranzani , yet another victim of a needless mission useless or even harmful. The next day, still in Afghanistan, two helicopters of the coalition of which we are not ashamed to be part exchanged for kids killed nine rebels, all between the ages of 9 and 15 years, who were sent there because from their families to collect firewood. They came from the small village of Nanglam Pech Valley, located in Kunar province, eastern Afghanistan.
The New York Times , which is a serious journalist and not the toilet paper that circulates in our kiosks, reported the story of the only surviving child, Hamad, 11. "We Green saw a flash coming from the helicopters. Then they came up in the air and in a second phase to twirl back on us and started shooting. They killed the children one after another. A rocket hit a tree and the branches are fallen upon me. The shrapnel hit me in the right hand and side. "
The NATO admitted yesterday the error and the commander of coalition forces in Afghanistan, General David H. Petraeus, said he was "deeply sorry". In the village where the boys lived a few hundred people gathered to express all their hatred of the cowboys of Obama . And they were not Taliban.
Italian newspapers of the nine Afghan children, there is hardly a trace. On the other hand we have to put up with tons of rhetorical heroism Italian Alps crashed while carrying out his duty. At the funeral Monsignor Vincenzo Pelvis , military ordinary for Italy (class of priests paid by the state), said the dead soldier as a friend " was confident that peace-building must look the eyes of children, read in the dream new and beautiful things, because there are no Italian children, Afghan and other countries, there are only children .
The same children with whom to play target practice? A group of brats ragged looking for firewood for the cold is worth less than the life of a man well-paid for the risks they run? And 'this cynicism to which we are reduced?


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