Sunday, March 6, 2011

Gay Spots In Lubbock Texas

A television program on RAI for Italian language learning

The Interior Ministry announced that it was made, in collaboration con la RAI, il programma televisivo

Cantieri d’Italia
l’italiano di base per costruire
la cittadinanza

Il programma sarà fruibile in questo modo:

RAI 2 : dal 3 febbraio ogni giovedì e venerdi dalle 9,45 alle 10,00

Rai Scuola : dal 4 febbraio ogni martedì e venerdi dalle 10,30 alle 11,00

Ogni puntata sarà nuovamente broadcast on RAI 1 on 24 February, every Thursday and Friday from 02,00 to 02,30

addition, from February 5, http://www.cantieriditalia.rai on the site. com / showcasing the depth and extra teaching materials, etc. as well as self-assessment test. It will also be possible to review each teaching unit transmitted.

The television series will be developed in 42 episodes, each of which will be divided into the following sections:

- Welcome to Italy: examples of typical situations of the new city, homogeneous content of the learning unit

- Speaking Italian: in-depth linguistic and grammatical

- The visual vocabulary: short word list of basic

- Living in Italy: rights and duties of foreign nationals, accompanied by a compass orientation services

- Today we talked about ...: list of graphics card in all the information of the episode.

To see the next episodes of PROGRAMS



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