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Test of Italian, certification bodies, "rejected our signs" / More news on the Italian test at A2 level applicants for residence permit for EC long-term

Test d’italiano, gli enti certificatori: “Disattese le nostre indicazioni”

Tavola rotonda al convegno della Società Dante Alighieri. Critiche al decreto del ministero dell’Interno, che contro le linee guida proposte dà peso più alla forma (la grammatica) che alla sostanza (il contesto).


born in Bologna on-line database of Italian language courses for foreigners

The Province has created a section within its website dedicated to the presentation of Italian L2 courses and information on the recent ministerial regulations on Italian test.

BOLOGNA - From 9 December 2010, immigrants applying for residence permit extended We are obliged to take the test in Italian language (level A2). To know which is the offering of courses in Italian territory, the Province, while failing to organize directly courses for foreigners, who says he does on the ground. Following the collaboration with the Center for the permanent territorial adult education and training and the Besta CD / She (Documentation Centre laboratory for intercultural education), i House has created, within its website, a section dedicated to that service: presentation of the territorial offer courses of Italian L2, and information about recent legislation on ministerial test. One way to clearly and specifically indicate to the interested parties how to move between different options.

The web area includes a database of training courses held in the city and the territory Provincial with reference to the place where it is held, the duration and cost, the contents of the Provincial Spatial Plan of actions aimed at promoting the Italian language for non-EU citizens approved October 19, 2010 and reference standards for the certification L2. There is also the ministerial handbook of December 28, 2010 "Guidelines for the technical and operational definition of the contents of the tests that make up the tests, scoring criteria and duration of the test." This page contains a section dedicated to news and events relating to training and information relevant to the themes of Italian L2. The website includes the activities performed in this field in the past dal'Ufficio immigration policies has been involved in teaching foreign nationals (MDC)
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Test of Italian. Malandrino:''We focus on the effective integration''

The prefect recalls the interest in uniformity in education and training the Italian language. Certification bodies: "Explain the difference between validation and certification."

ROME - How to teach and how to certify their knowledge of Italian language in order to obtain the permission of the day: this was the central theme of the debate that took place today at the Dante Alighieri Society of Rome. In accordance, in fact, the June 4, 2010 Decree of the Ministry of the Interior "The conduct of the test of knowledge of Italian," the decree implementing the Law 94/2009 (Provisions relating to public safety) is mandatory for foreigners requiring permission from the competent prefecture EC residence for long-term residents, know the Italian language. Or, get a certificate at Level A2 of the Common European reference for knowledge of the language approved by the Council of Europe. Level asking, precisely, to know how to write, read, speak and understand the language of study. All through a special test. Four, by decree, local certification tests today: the Dante Alighieri Society of Rome, Roma Tre University, the University for Foreigners Siena University for Foreigners in Perugia.

"Our aim - said the prefect Angelo Malandrino - is the effective integration. The articulation of courses and preparation goes into this. E 'with state resources, then, that we will provide and expand the provision of training: the agreement with the four certification bodies has allowed consistency of supply. " Similar interest as revealed by the Consul of the Embassy, \u200b\u200bRiccardo Battisti. "I do not enter the merits of training in Italy for foreigners, but we have an interest in uniformity in training and teaching of Italian. The aim - said Battisti - to be spent in terms of quality certification of training. " "A commitment - Stephanie Conger went on to the Ministry of Labour – su cui lavoriamo dal 2005: ammontano a 19 milioni di euro i fondi già stanziati da allora a oggi per la formazione. Tra il 2007 e il 2009, con i fondi impegnati, sono state 14mila le persone coinvolte nella formazione. Tra loro 10mila hanno finito il corso e 3mila hanno ottenuto il certificato. E’ l’Ocse a raccomandarsi sulla lingua come elemento di integrazione e inclusione sociale. Ad oggi, con questo decreto, l’avventura si sposta anche sui soggiornanti e serve uno sforzo congiunto per l’enormità dei numeri in gioco”.

Di difficoltà attuative e fondi hanno invece parlato gli enti certificatori. “E’ un progetto impegnativo per risorse umane e finanziarie, ma siamo in Europe - said Massimo Ledovelli University of Siena - and learning a language requires training in its certification valid for all. Scientific rigor and have been granted to the four certification bodies, but what are these international standards? The reception is a fundamental value, for better or for worse. "

Made in Ats (temporary association), the four certification bodies in the Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of Education, have structured a technical manner, and training, and execution of the test. Among the problems revealed the lack of connection with other structures and the possibility to extend the credit to other institutions, but also the absence of policies and instruments of oversight and control. "The mutual recognition of qualifications - in fact annotated Alessandro Carducci Artenisio theca Consulting participating in the debate on action that the ATS has in terms of certification - a guarantee of the product." To date, there is indeed a bit 'of concern, where such does not explain the difference between validation and certification, including who should and who should not take the test, including where and how. These elements emerged during the roundtable. (See next pitch) (b)

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at Imola a meeting to explain the Italian test

The Look of foreign citizens and stateless persons in Imola is organizing a meeting to explain the test of Italian immigrants. Vigna (Assessor multicultural): "Knowing the language and culture is crucial for integration."

BOLOGNA - A meeting to learn more about the Italian test that has become necessary to request permission to stay long term. The city organizes the Look of foreign citizens and stateless persons in Imola, in collaboration with the City: The event is scheduled for Saturday at 10, in the Hall of the seasons. "The meeting is designed to enhance and illustrate the importance of the decree of June 4, 2010, entered into force December 9 - Ivan says Vigna, Assessor of multicultural integration - which defines the manner of performing the test of knowledge of Italian language by the applicants for residence permits to applicants for long-term CE. Knowledge of language "and the Italian civic culture by foreigners is one of the crucial issues of immigration policy," said Vine, remembering the ad hoc inter-institutional table created by the Province Bologna: "The decision to strengthen coordination and cooperation among the various stakeholders involved in delivering courses to foreign language and civic culture has as its goal - Imola highlights the commissioner - to increase significantly the number of persons who purchase certification. " The meeting on Saturday, said the note of the City, will also attend the provincial director of the Center for Adult Education, Anna Maria Morara, the chairman of the Advisory Body of foreigners, Nicolas Nsuka, along with some officials of the State Police that will illustrate the new rules on residence permits. (Say)

Emilia Romagna: 569 000 € by the government for Italian language courses for foreigners

funds for housing policies and civic education. Marzocchi (abs. Social Policy): "It has always pursued a policy of acceptance and integration, now the government seems to have changed course."

BOLOGNA - Italian classes, mediation, anti-discrimination. Are the key policies for the social integration of foreigners in Emilia-Romagna, on which the Region has been working and will be strengthened. This was announced by the commissioner for social policies and immigration Teresa Marzocchi. "Always the region is pursuing a policy of welcoming and integrating immigrants. The government has instead gone in the opposite direction, treating immigration as a security issue and relying on people's fears. Now - emphasizes the commissioner - with a series of recent measures, seems to have changed course and open our eyes to the needs and requirements di quella che è già a tutti gli effetti una società multietnica”.

Alfabetizzazione. All’Emilia-Romagna andranno 569 mila euro per i corsi di italiano per immigrati. “Noi li facciamo da tempo – ribadisce l’assessore – : l’insegnamento della lingua è una delle tre linee di indirizzo del Programma triennale 2009-2011 per l’integrazione sociale dei cittadini stranieri, approvato dall’Assemblea legislativa dell’Emilia-Romagna”.

Casa. Alle 4 regioni in cui vive il maggior numero di immigrati (Lombardia, Veneto, Emilia-Romagna e Lazio) il governo destinerà risorse a supporto delle politiche regionali per facilitate access to housing to foreigners and to promote inter-ethnic coexistence. Emilia-Romagna will be allocated 900 thousand euro. "I work - says councilor - due to the mediation and the fight against discrimination: 2 more points from our three-year program already planned and being implemented by various means in the territory." Civics. To mark the 150th anniversary of the Unification of Italy, the Interior Ministry has instructed the Emilia-Romagna Region to develop a multimedia project of civic education and history for the newly-arrived (the allocation amounts to € 350 thousand).

"Everything this - concludes the commissioner - follows in the wake of our work. A major work for appropriate responses to a changing society and has already changed, and that goes hand in hand with efforts to overcome cultural prejudices and stereotypes that unfortunately still occur too often, even in the questions we are asked. We will continue on this road for us, however the Italian language is a vehicle for integration and test, access to housing is a right for all and civic education an important tool of knowledge. " (Lp)
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Firenze, corsi d’italiano gratuiti per 120 immigrati

La provincia di Firenze organizza lezioni per “favorire un percorso istituzionale d’integrazione”. I corsi termineranno con un esame che, se superato, permetterà di evitare il test di lingua della Prefettura.

FIRENZE – Corsi di italiano gratuiti per 120 immigrati. Ad organizzarli è la provincia di Firenze con l’obiettivo di “favorire un percorso istituzionale di integrazione”. At the end of the course the immigrants can obtain a certificate of language level A2, recognized all over Europe. Be followed by an examination which, if passed, will allow non-EU not to carry out the language test of the Prefecture. The courses, lasting 60 hours each, will start in February and March, and ends in June 2011. The tender for the selection of immigrants wishing to participate is open from Monday, January 24 until February 15, 2011, and can be downloaded from the website of the province of Florence / training centers and available from the ' employment, located throughout the province. At the same time, there are two months of job training for citizens immigrati disoccupati, supportati da incentivi alla presenza (minima dell’80%, pari ad almeno 20 ore settimanali). I corsi e i tirocini fanno parte del progetto ‘Prov-Integra’, finanziato dal Fondo europeo per l’integrazione.


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