Friday, March 4, 2011

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YOUnipa: 24 hours without us! [Audio reports and interviews]

March 1, 2011
national strike of migrant
shaking hands with another friend

" No to racism! not asking for anything special, but only the same rights as any Italian citizen. No prejudices. No to the Bossi-Fini law on immigration. No exploitation of immigration. No one is illegal: we are all Noureddine! "

These were the slogans and messages delivered yesterday during the strike of migrants in Palermo on" 24 hours without us. " A national strike that unites natives and immigrants, who gives voice to those who are considered strange by this racist climate in Italy and is now engaged in promoting rights of migrants. The shape of the strike has been chosen to cause blockages and disruptions in order to make more sense to the people the importance of migrants to society.

that of 1 March is a non-partisan movement, non-violent and secular that is already in its second edition, with the strong participation of all civil society organizations who work every day for the defense and respect for human rights.

The procession, which symbolically reached the center of the city from the sea, set out to disseminate information on human rights and freedoms Fundamental of migrants. The main objective of the event was to highlight the contribution that millions of foreign workers and benesseri damage to the economies of host countries of origin and the fight against discrimination and racism (in particular this year against institutional racism) the promotion of peaceful coexistence, respect for the rules, equal opportunities and dialogue.

The strike has been dedicated to Noureddine Adnane, the Moroccan boy of 27 years that a number of years lived and worked legally in Palermo and set himself on fire in protest because of the continuous pressure from the Police Municipal. One gesture that must surely be remembered and should mainly haunt the consciences of those who rages against the innocent people abusing their power.

could not miss the university and students' associations ( Al Janub, Hyro , and AINRAM CSF) every day trying to sensitize their peers to these issues, giving example of the fight against intolerance and xenophobia.

YOUnipa I was there for and I was able to interview Valentina Ricciardo, president of the Al Janub, and Bou Sufi, a boy from Palermo, the son of Tunisian parents, who edits the blog corner of the patriot.

Interview with Valentina Ricciardo, Chairman of Al Janub

Interview with Sufi Bou


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