Monday, March 7, 2011

Python Socket Server Create As A Batch File

Defend public school? You reproach that the (alleged) leader of the left send their children to private.

Let no one dare to defend public schools as the government tries to finally make it to pieces. After the infamous attack Berlusconi teachers crazy scissors state and the minister Gelmini (19,700 less than the chairs in the 2011-2012 season for a total of 87,400 posts cut and an army of teachers of middle and high retired and never replaced in the period 2009-2011), who tries to open her mouth is silenced by the press of family (Arcore).
The latest idea? Reproach to us poor supporters of state education that the (very presumptive and presentuosi) maitre-a-penser of the left send their children to private school . Did you know that the daughters of Francesco Rutelli have entered a private high school at Kennedy, the other at the prestigious St. Joseph's College de Merode, overlooking the English Steps? And the daughter of Giovanna Melandri goes to the college of St. Joseph Street Casaletto? We never believe it, but the daughter of Michele Santoro Chateaubriand is listed at the French school, while the son of director Nanni Moretti be all'Ambrit International School. The Journal rages and reveals that even the children of Anna Finocchiaro and that dreaded Bolshevik scout Beppe Fioroni prefer salty fees of private institutions (also Catholic).
Apart from the fact that you do not understand why someone who sends their children to private school can not defend the survival of the public (or rather, we understand perfectly, because the culture does not provide the right you can "vote" against personal interests in the name of the public), but then, my god, these would be the "big " of the left? The real left-wing voters to Rutelli (past now definitely with the Democrats, having lost an election after the other) and Melandri (fierce dancer party di Briatore al Billionaire ) probabilmente sputerebbe in un occhio, per non parlare di Fioroni, che di danni alla scuola pubblica, se fosse durato, ne avrebbe fatti ben più della Gelmini. Quanto a Santoro e Moretti, si tratta notoriamente di milionari che hanno tutto il diritto di "investire" soldi nella formazione dei figli, anche se le loro scelte strappano più di un sorriso sarcastico. Siccome ogni tanto alzano la cresta, ce li dobbiamo beccare come "nostri" leader e pazienza. 
Non ci resta che la Gelmini, la quale durante la presentazione del suo libro di favole popolari nordiche dedicato alla figlia (!) ha tranquillizato tutti: "La scuola è in grado di reggere. Abbiamo provided for a reduction of organic plant linked to actual needs of teaching. "
There could be a de profundis better.


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