Wednesday, March 2, 2011

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A male youth: Lele Mora wants to throw in politics. James

and we miss the purveyor of escort Silvio Berlusconi not think of a safe place in Parliament, where the rider has placed lawyers, friends and friends. ''I am applying to the elections with a right-wing party, perhaps the PDL,''he said beam-pederast Lele Mora, interviewed by Exit , La7 program, causing a stir.
Then the manager of the television star (and pimp in his spare time), known for his mobile phone with the ringtone of "Little Black Face " and its many misadventures judicial, must have had a fit of modesty and added :''If I'm ready to take this decision after I have completed or acquitted, as those who are 'under investigation can not' do the job of politics, or at least should not,''pulling the inadvertent jab at his " strong man "of the heart, plurinquisito and always in its place.
meantime, however, the Milan prosecutor's office has made ogggi judges of the bankruptcy court a request to inhibit any type of activity ' imprenditoriale e di dichiarare il fallimento di Mora come persona fisica assieme a quello di due società,  Diana Immobiliare e Lele Mora Production . 
Il verdetto del giudice e' atteso per il prossimo 6 aprile, ma i guai di Mora non si limitano a questo. L'amico Lele risulta anche indagato per bancarotta in relazione alla Lele Mora Management, società già dichiarata fallita dal Tribunale di Milano per l'impossibilità di far fronte ai 16 milioni di debiti accumulati nei confronti del fisco, più altri 3 milioni di euro verso soggetti privati. Mora è iscritto nel registro degli indagati con l'accusa di evasione fiscale anche nell'inchiesta sul fallimento della societa' of Fabrizio Corona and always on 6 April, the day will take 'off the so-called process for the Ruby case against Berlusconi, the preliminary hearing judge will decide' whether to refer for trial Mora, Corona and four other defendants.
A curriculum fit for a candidate of the People of Freedom (provisional).


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