Wednesday, March 2, 2011

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Tonti, Libya operation: the sagacity of our intelligence services in North Africa.

The Libya? No problem, the situation is under control and no interest would trigger a revolt. The glaring blunder is the general Adriano Santini, Head of ' aise, or the agency that deals with foreign intelligence, that on February 3 last year - as recalled an article in the Daily Done signed by Marco Palombi - before the Parliamentary Committee for Security of the Republic ( Copasir ), made of what to tell where things last. In Tunisia, Ben Ali had already escaped Mubarak and the Egyptian swaying dangerously, but our 007 is not believed that the revolt could also extend to Libya, Muammar Gaddafi of his . Fifteen days later, on February 18, the Department of Safety Information ( Dis ) of the Presidency of the Council in relation to the usual Copasir about possible risks to our country is not even dedicated to Libya a row, and only a paragraph at the skimpy big mess that was already sweeping the Middle East and North Africa.
Faced with these emulators of James Tont , wonderful parody film starring Buzzanca Lanzo, Copasir to have felt a little 'taken for a ride and asked to listen to two reliable sources: the Foreign Minister, Franco Frattini (what he called the Libyan regime "model") and the head of Dis, Gianni De Gennaro, former police chief sentenced on appeal to one year and four months imprisonment for incitement to false testimony against the former superintendent of Genoa, Francesco Colucci, in the process for the raid on the school during the tragic G8 in Genoa in 2001.
Faced with such reliable figures and informed that there's peace of mind, about security. Aridatece Lando.


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