Friday, March 4, 2011

How Do You Write A Product Review For Argos

COBAS Civil Service and Municipal Police of Palermo express solidarity with the popular uprisings in the Arab world and fight with the family of Noureddine Adnane

Cobas The PI of the Municipality and the Municipal Police of Palermo express solidarity with the popular uprisings of the Arab world in the struggle for freedom against oppression of despotic regimes in the area. We are all the way from the part of the Arab masses for their freedom from all forms of despotism and colonialism so that they can overthrow their corrupt bourgeoisie, expropriate the imperialist interests, to unify the Arab nation under the direction of government workers, peasants, of the poor masses of the population.

At the same time expressing solidarity with the family and the community Moroccan Nourredine Palermo for the serious incident in the hope that soon may shed light on historical facts are established and the related responsibilities. Heavy indeed, in our opinion are the responsibility is the administration that the leadership of the municipal police.

COBAS Executive Civil Service City of Palermo

COBAS Public Employment
Viale Manzoni, 55 - 00185 ROMA
tel. 0670452452 - fax 0677206060

Regional Coordination Siciliano

Piazza Unità d'Italy, 11 - 90144 - Palermo
tel. 091349192 tel / fax 091349250
c.cobassicilia @


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