Friday, March 11, 2011

Can You Fog The House For Mice

21 marzo, Palermo: Il richiamo della città cosmopolita

The cosmopolitan city
Group National Research

The Call of the cosmopolitan city

March 21, 2011 21:30

Kursaal Kalhesa

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A un anno dal 1° di Marzo

Written by Giuseppe Campisi

a year later by another article titled First March in Palermo : The first sweep written by the same author at the 1st March 2010

Thursday, March 10, 2011 18:29

A year later, looking with a certain air of defeat its own article, their thoughts, their own emotion, it fills the mind and heart of a sense of defeat that is difficult to describe. Retrace the lines written on the enthusiasm, the joy of the moment, it's tiring. This is terrible. But you try, not for excitement, but for the record - it says so, I think.

March 1, 2011, it rains. About ten degrees lower than last year, it's cold. Families with children are at home for it, and few small smiles that fill the procession of what to me appears more like the shining light of a future peaceful, happy, free of hatred. Without injustice and parades without claiming justice. Without banners bearing photographs of young men forced to death by the abuses of other men, for no reason and no soul, no history, no future in the eye. There is always strength in the speaker's voice from microphone, always the same desire for revenge, the anger, that sense of liberation and the desire to regain the dignity that you breathe fully wound even in the rain, cold, among 'indifference of people doing shopping, the puffs of motorists stuck in traffic and the ambulatory disinterested police about twenty meters from the head of the parade. First there was the will this March, has not abandoned the face of those who work to see something change, because that s'incazza not change anything, that does not surrender and that is committed stronger than before, under the thrust of the emotion, despair at times. The will was there, like a year ago '. And like last year '"was tall, white, sturdy, old, innocent, experienced, young, lean, low, black. It was native, but it was the immigrant. " And, once again, will you expressed in many different events that have filled the days of waiting for the event 1, as well as the hours immediately following it.

The amassing of 17 at Porta Felice a few minutes late, but complete, is all ready to go. It is that part of the march from the sea of \u200b\u200bhumanity suppressed by the puppet-laws, agricultural exploitation, the violence of the strongest, the incitement to suicide, fraud by the State, from ad hoc terror orchestrated by the media. The sea is the starting point of the struggle for the rights denied to those who discover their own hell in paradise sought beyond the war, hunger, of the disease, which reached Eden weeping and praying in the anger of the waves, piled with others in barcacce of cards that none of the countries of the West has ventured to save and collect the sound of the killer storms of the Mare Nostrum, the Paradise at last touched by the cries of pain of children who become men on the road, breaking the bones in hidden funds of trucks from Greece and the Balkans, drinking his own urine to survive the vacuum that suck air into the wind, lying and numbness in an area 30 cm high, to avoid arousing suspicion of customs controls. From the sea also the terrible cry of those who have never passed the crossing, of those who saw sinking to their hope, and with it his life, who was sent back by the headlights of intimidating guard, who stopped the race against the bullets fired by the Italian boats of the North African dictators so dear to Mother Europe or blacks in the holes of the gulag than Libya and world leaders have considered worthy of the presidency of the UN Commission on Human Rights.

Thus, from the sea, we go. In the van head of Ubuntu, which spreads in the open air of a sleepy Palermo items imprinted into a microphone just too small to contain the life energy from them freed. Behind, a Moroccan flag ahead the sight of passers-face for some time that tells the shame of all of Palermo, the institutions always absent, the police do not rare to abuse of the media deaf and dumb, every citizen of this city. Even my shame, which blocks the words on the fingertips and I'm not writing. It is the face of Nourredine Adnane, a boy of 27 years, my, I'd say one of our fellow citizen, who was killed by the city, its government, its administration, by its own people. Killed by his State, from what I had chosen to be his state, the country where you can see with eyes the future - the future is to Nourredine Khadija, has two years and lives in Morocco - and carry on their shoulders the weight of its charming history. This in a country without history and without any future. In the wake of the death of emotional Nourredine, his body burned, to keep the banner of the Anti-Racism Forum - with the photo of the young - there are his fellow North Africans, who coughed their anger on the buildings of a historical center that has already forgot disturbance searched for a suicide, showing the bread, the real reason why the bread that is life, that is dignity. Behind them the people of the struggles, the people who still see the road when you claim a right, it calls for justice, freedom, respect. "A parade is not a social party, a parade is not never too much or too little people. At a rally there is always someone there must be, "wrote one year ago. I'm still not convinced. Convinced, yes, but puzzled. Confused because I still do not understand what it takes for people to wake up to realize that this is indeed led to a situation of no return, that democracy in this country is a mirage, that we continue to allow the most "legally" - because in a system based on a rational-legal legitimacy thinks so - the weak are crushed continually, because we allow ourselves to be crushed, we are ready to assert our strength, our hatred to download the latest, responding as automata agl'input authority. An exodus of biblical proportions, 300 thousand refugees, 10 thousand a day, send them to Europe, invade us, they want to steal our jobs, they stay at home, Qaddafi assured us immigration, long live Gaddafi, Gaddafi alive! These messages - almost imperceptibly - through the boot, the terror of this other than that spreads day by day, pushing the migrants themselves not to strike, to go to work fearing repercussions from the bosses, fearing the arrival of people willing to be exploited for half the money for which you are exploiting themselves.

Nourredine è la torcia umana di Palermo, come Jan Palach a Praga, come Mohammed al-Bouazizi a Tunisi. Tocca a noi adesso fare in modo che rassomigli all’uno o all’altro, tocca a noi cercare la strada da seguire per cambiare. Tocca a noi trovare la nostra thaura, la nostra rivoluzione. Altrimenti toccherà sempre a noi – e ne avremo la responsabilità – scegliere di aspettare e sopportare, attendere anche un tempo infinito, sacrificando anime, corpi, vite alla crudeltà di chi ci comanda, e un giorno – quasi senza rendercene conto – qualcosa cambierà. Un giorno.

إن شاء الله

Source: The Carrettino Ideas

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Another consultant Alemanno into trouble. Arrested for the Camorra, the municipality of Rome paid 62 000 euro per year.

Gianni Alemanno is not only unfortunate, as I said in a post a few days ago . He needs an exorcist, who is Max Von Sydow or neo cacciadiavoli Anthony Hopkins. After the rapes and violence continued throughout the city, chaos in transport (yesterday was the Metro stop for hours and it was panic, now ride with new public transport strikes announced, then withdrawn, then made a half), his arrest for child abuse counselor for children, even violence within the barracks of the carabinieri (where if you're a man beaten up, if you're a woman you have a nice bottle of whiskey and then rape you in the lunchroom), problems with the justice of those who should advise on security, today another heavy tile.
Police handcuffed to Magliocca George, Mayor of Pignataro Major , municipality in the province of Caserta, in collusion with the Camorra. The young scion of the political bell, in an area that has been dubbed the "Switzerland of clan, was boarded by the National Alliance and in 2005 he became consultant to the Communications Minister Mario Landolfi , a position he held until 2006. On its website dominates the picture Falcone and Borsellino with " Italy we learn to love her as their ," but the courts of Naples does not seem to agree with the goodness of his fight against the gangs, so that the mandate of catch wrote that " Magliocca has long been subservient to the wishes of the clan of the Camorra Pignataro, agguerritissimo criminal association, which became the protagonist of heinous crimes, the danger of which will resist judicial interventions and through which the repeated Magliocca could win competitions election.
Guess who was hired this little gem of a degree Court in August last year with a fee of € 62 000 per month? But he, of course, the mayor of the social right, the man who sanctioned the peace with the terrible blows cock de 'pajata , Berlusconi and faithful supporter of the family, their friends and relatives who take in the municipal companies of the cubist capital. Now with a pedophile priest in charge of family values, who thinks a policeman on trial for safety, a Camorra in the secretariat staff and the public transport company which has become a gathering of former right-wing extremists, who else could have taken his son Pino Rauti? Too bad
Renato Vallanzasca is still jail.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

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Berlusconi and cerottone false: Verdone as in "too strong". Ruby

Who remembers Oscar Pettinari, one of the characters of the cult's long career Carlo Verdone ? In the film "Too strong " is a kind-hearted bully O who dreams of becoming an actor, but at Cinecittà international production of a film where he was working as an extra because it discards too which has the face of good boy. "Aho ... but I can if they want 'more evil," he says Salvelox a sticking plaster.
I thought about him looking at the pictures of Silvio Berlusconi , appeared in public yesterday and today with a nice cerottone in the face, to cover a wound that generates more than a doubt.
With so much official statement of Palazzo Chigi, in fact, three days ago the doctor Silvio, Nicola Zangrillo , spoke of "maxillofacial surgery, bone grafting and implant dentistry under general anesthesia. Now I am no doctor, but from what he tells those who have suffered from similar actions in this case, the surgeon operates from the mouth and not opening a path on the cheek.
You will be making his beard cut?

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Milano: Elezioni amministrative. Pochissimi i romeni pronti al voto

EU citizens have the right to vote in local elections in the cities where they reside: their right to vote for the Mayor, the City Council and District Council members provided the so-called voter added.

What happens to ten thousand Romanians living in Milan?

At present, only eight - according to data of the Elections Office - are members of the list. Misinformation or lack of interest, the basis for this holding anything in administrative town. Means to exercise a right to vote and, in the case of foreign nationals, greater integration. It is not the last word: you have until 40 days before the date fixed for the municipal elections, and for April 4. The application must be delivered to the Electoral Office of the City of Milan, Via Messina 52, at the following times: Monday to Friday from 8.30 am to 12.00 and from 14.30 to 15.30. The application can also be sent, attaching a copy of a document of identity via fax to 02.88442022; by mail of the Office of Electoral Via Messina, 52 - Milan, or by email to
Romanians rush !

Red (March 8, 2011)

Source: MixaMag

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age? Nothing to do in Morocco public officials are honest

I can almost imagine the emissaries of the Italian Rais Morocco, along with an interpreter and a bag of money. He has gone bad, because Fkih Ben Salah, a town at the foot of the Atlas Mountains, they found that public officials are more honest than the North African country of ours. The novel Toto and Peppino were there to try to falsify the birth date of Karima El Marough , alias Ruby Rubacuori , came to light just Fkih November 1, 1992 and therefore still a minor at the time of the alleged offenses to "Muammar" Berlusconi the trial in Milan. They offered a substantial sum to an employee of the office dell'Anagrafe to touch up a couple of years, the data in order to drop the charge of aiding and abetting the prostitution of minors. But she said no.
The remaining two must be terrible, because here we have a civil servant bribe him with a pair of grandstand tickets for the stadium. The land was ready for the scam, thanks to the usual Journal, which last March 2 full-page shot: "The prime minister set the ace Ruby was of age, aided by the Corriere della Sera that in a classic style pieces " mailbox ", revealed the intimate confessions of the Prime Minister with his faithful: "It was recorded anagrafe two years after being born, we have evidence that he was a minor .
The only was revealed today by the Daily Done, instead of bringing the tissues of the Palace spokesman Chigi, sent three journalists in Morocco and interviewed the officials who has been trying to corruption. She had to contact the newspaper to tell the story of two Italians, who, along with a distinguished-looking Moroccan who was concerned about translated into Arabic conversation, had asked to see the birth certificate of Karima and then ask it to be backdated to 1990.
The shyster President reacted angrily. "And 'authorities must' Italian and Moroccan urgently ascertain if there is this official, if he has actually issued that statement, if the act 'actually occurred and, if so, the identity of the interpreter and the two Italian alleged that allegedly engaged in the conduct described , "they wrote in a threatening tone Piero Longo and Niccolo Ghedini , arguing that the infringement of the register in the municipality would be" totally useless and laughable since that data stored in multiple copies from different government authorities .''
pity that the fact he wrote very clearly that in small towns of Morocco, the registry is not computerized, that everything is recorded by hand in some libroni compiled in chronological order and that the emissaries Italians had first asked a fake birth certificate and then tampering with its big book. It was enough to bait the public with the excuse of backwardness and technological culture of Morocco, where he wants my lady, are all shepherds and enroll their children anagrafe two years later, and be able to cry again in the plot.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

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Test di conoscenza della lingua italiana per richiedenti permesso CE di lunga durata: i corsi gratuiti a Palermo e le prossime date d'esame

Municipality of Palermo SERVICES SECTOR social welfare
UO General Affairs
Project "Monitoring legislation on legal migration"

Schools (CTP), which hosts free
courses Italian language learning

Palermo Sandro Pertini SMS Via Felice Cavallotti 476 298 5091

Palermo via SMS Ignazio Florio F. John 88 0916881777

Palermo Via Peppino Impastato IC G. Di Martino, 48 0916288719

Palermo IC E. Via Antonio Ugo Arculeo, 39 091211794

IC Federico Palermo Pier II Via Delle Vigne 13 0916258536

Bagheria IC Ignazio Buttitta Via Flavio Gioia 4

Castellana Sicula IC Enrico Fermi District Frazzucchi 0921562628

Cefalù IC via Porpora E. Fermi, 4 0921421242

Corleone IC Vases G. Via Don G. Colletti 0918463040

Lercara Freddi IC Sicilian autonomy via Trieste 1 0918251147

IC Monreale Square William II William II

Partinico S.M.S. Partitico-Grasssi Privitera via Umberto 305 09187812502

Termini Imprese S.M.S. Tisia D’Imera via del Mazziere 28 0918112019

Il 15 febbraio scorso si è svolto il primo test di italiano nella nostra provincia: 39 richiedenti convocati con raccomandata con ricevuta di ritorno.
12 non si sono presentati e 27 hanno superato il test

Prossime date programmate per il test

The police recommended to include in the kit to apply for permission to stay long-EC, a copy of the request for testing.


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11 marzo, Palermo: Serata di solidarietà e di musica + mostra "Schizzi d'acqua" per sostenere i progetti di Amref in Africa

FRIDAY' March 11
at 21:00

Palermo ADA Group and the Cultural Association "The Workshop of emotions" are pleased to invite you, through the Rosa Parks Popular Music Orchestra, on a trip through the culture of our country with songs of our folk tradition revisited so crisp and new songs that fit within their project and are included in the first album "One of our own time."

Thanks to a small fee (donation) you can spend a nice evening of solidarity and good music, enjoy a refreshment and support the many projects for AMREF in Africa!

Basta poco: che ce vò!!!!

Durante la serata sarà possibile visitare la mostra "Schizzi d' Acqua" una raccolta di vignette sul tema dell'acqua.



Pippo Lo Meo
Resp.Gruppo A.D.A.
(Amici di Amref) Palermo
Tel. 0916700142 - 3404967159

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15 febbraio-1 marzo 2011, Palermo: Autofinanziamento per le iniziative promosse dal Comitato Promotore del Primo Marzo a Palermo

From March 1, 2011
Place Palermo, Italy

and Tindara Ignazzitto

Snippets migrant life from the world of work in Italy

is the title of an anthology of short stories that the publisher mestizos Company letters published in colaboration with the March First Movement.


To reserve one or more copies dell'Antologia WILL ' TOMORROW WILL 'YOUR EYES - Fragments of life from the universe of migrant labor in Italy
[192 pp. Euro 12.00 Binding in cotton thread]


with the subject: "Tomorrow will + number of copies "

Deliveries can be made only in the city 'OF PALERMO.

Thanks for the support and cooperation in spreading the initiative.

Tindara & Yodit Organizing Committee for the First March Palermo

----------------------------- ----------------------------------------------

In collaboration with the March First Movement Italy

http://www.primomarzo2011 . com /

Fragments of life from the universe of migrant labor in Italy

There is a bouncer Senegalese singing the love and the distance that kills relationships, "the eternal waiting for wives and husbands, sons and daughters." There is a prostitute trapped Eastern in its short life and there is a carer Ecuador that just is not prepared to put themselves in the foot head. There is the writer of Burkina Faso deceived by an unscrupulous publisher and there is the Roma girl with dirty fingers of ink that will not be deleted. There is an unemployed engineer who asks for alms.

sucked into the hell of bureaucracy that lists and trademarks, and divide their states, foreigners ordinary "witnesses of both worlds, wandering between cultures." They are the protagonists of these fragments of life, insight into a company that without immigrants is doomed to decline, glimpses of lives told with originality from writers and Italian immigrants.

We are all equal, we all live with the anxiety of not understanding the language rather than talking about other things, to change too much, not to speak the language of home. You say 'hello "and feels" fuck, "you say" love "and feels" who are you? ".

Tales: Julio Monteiro Martins, George Nardi, Christiana de Caldas Brito, Savina Dolores Massa, Michael Zizzi, Claudiléia Lemes Dias, Aurora Filiberto Hernandez, Paolo Piccoli, Lorenzo Mazzoni, Kathiusca Toala Olivares, Guergana shaved, Irina Serban, Enrica Boffetta, Flore Murard-Yovanovitch, Ingy Mubiayi, Alfredo Chiatello, Cristina Sebastiani, Simone Silva, Antonio Pires, Judicael Ouango Kiswendsida.

---------------------------------------------- --------------------------------

Society of Arts was founded with a vocation to the Migration Literature. No room in our catalog are the works of foreign authors who have chosen the Italian language to express themselves. Through their writings these authors, who make up the new Italian literature, bring new life to our mother tongue and creolization Italian, language Dante's, and now the language of the younger generation who live in our country .

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21 marzo, Palermo: "(PO)Stiamo contro il razzismo". Giornata mondiale contro il razzismo

Peacerama - Work For The Future Is Now
is a project organized by HRYO - Youth Human Rights Organization

initiatives aimed at creating Local
and a campaign to raise awareness of Peace and Human Rights

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The statement of Silvio: 34 million a year for women, homes and gifts.

Thirty million euro. And 'how much did you Silvio Berlusconi in 2010 only in women, homes and gifts, a statement " de fear" that alone is worth more than any polemic against the exercise of re-Bunga Bunga. The shopping list is contained in a service of the Corriere della Sera and includes € 675 000 to maintain and decorate the castle of Paraggi , the 900 thousand for the maintenance of the house to Antigua, the 441 thousand Advocate parcel Ghedini (despite the weak performance) and the half-million to other lawyers. There are 20 000 € to give our mother Letizia 100 000 a pianist and DJ the festivities. Might like to know who does not get to the end of the month, that our "dear leaders last year spent € 120 000 in the tie shop Marinella, the jeweler 65 000 Eleuteri, over 300 000 € to a supplier of fabrics, 650 000 in antique shops and art galleries and nearly half a million helicopter in flight.
over? Manco at all. The Knight has 115 000 € ex meteorinas Alessandra Sorcinelli in monthly installments of 10 000 variables and numbers to the other protagonists of the crazy nights for a total of Arcore additional 562 000 euro. On account of the Monte dei Paschi used by Berlusconi, the judges also found 13 million in grants to unknown recipients, of whom converted to cash by the legendary accountant Spinelli , the "holy payer" of the tour.
Every comment seems completely unnecessary.

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marzo-maggio 2011, Palermo: I giovedì del CEDOC. Rassegna cinematic and thematic meetings

Cooperazione Internazionale Sud Sud

is pleased to invite the initiative

Thursdays of CEDOC

Film reviews and thematic meetings

CEDOC - Documentation Center CISS

Via G. Marconi n. 2 / A - Palermo

officially open the activities of the Documentation Centre with a series of film festivals on three major thematic strands.

The first meeting will be Thursday, March 3, 2011 at 18:00 with the screening of the film Caramel by Nadine Labaki (Lebanon, France, 2007, 97 ') which will launch the second cycle The "Bab al- Bahr: the gateway to the Mediterranean " a close look at the cultures of the Mediterranean, including similarities and differences. The meeting will open with a theme-by Cipolla and Sergio Alberto Sciortino.

Other events scheduled are: Lemon Tree by Eran Riklis (Israel, Germany, France, 2008, 106 '), The Song of the Bride of Karim Albou (France, 2008, 96' in Italian) and Waltz with Bashir by Ari Folman (Germany, France, Israel, 2008, 87 ').

The II cycle theme "People on the move" , including start and finish a look at the paths traveled by the migrants, will open Thursday, March 31, 2011 with a screening of Man On Earth As Andrea Segre, Dagmawi Yimer, Riccardo Biadene (Italy, 2008, 61 '); the next few weeks will follow Little Miss China. Sweat, cry and dream. Of Italy Chinese Vincenzo De Cecco, Riccardo Cremona (Italy, 2009, 60 ') and earth (and) stroma of Henry Montalbano, Angela Giardina, Ilaria Sposito (Italy, 2009, 55').

the show will close the loop "Let the little children ..." lives in the "game" rights and invisible, which will open Thursday, April 21, 2011 with the film Pa-ra-da by Marco Pontecorvo (Italy, 2008, 100 '). The next dates are: The Year My Parents Went on vacation Cao Hamburger (Brazil, 2006, 104 '), Born into Brothels Ross Kauffman, Zana Briski (India, USA, 2004, 85') Some children Andrea Frazzi, Frazzi Antonio (Italy, 2004, 94'), e per concludere tre cortometraggi presentati al concorso internazionale "CORTIAMO" organizzato dal Circolo di cultura cinematografica SEGNI NUOVI di Alcamo (TP): Der Lachende Hund di Shohren Jandaghian (Germania, 2008, 8.40'), Ez Babies of Africa di Alberto Cicala (Italia, 2009, 11') e Xie Zi di Marco Albano (Italia, 2010, 15').

Adotta il CEDOC, donaci un libro!
Regalandoci un libro sul tema di una rassegna puoi diventare sostenitore a unique cultural heritage!
The adoption of CEDOC will allow us to support the existence of books.
It 's a way to save books from possible extinction.

Admission to each event is free and at the end of each screening will be offered a drink.

Documentation Centre - CEDOC
The largest collection of books, magazines, articles, videos and exhibitions of the Documentation Centre (CEDOC) is a unique heritage. In 25 years, the CISS has collected about 3,000 texts (including non-fiction, fiction and gray material). In addition there are over 500 videos (documentaries, news reports of projects, films on the themes of the South, instructional videos, etc..) Supplementing the archives of the Documentation Centre. Here you can browse and borrow any book in the catalog. For all the information can be found by clicking here.

The Documentation Centre 'Paola Buzzola' is located at the headquarters of the CISS of Palermo, Via G. Marconi n. 2 / A, and is open from Monday to Friday 10.00/18.00 hours. Tel 091.7829611 - e.mail

Source: CISS

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Butterfly Induction Hob

Yara and "jackals devotees. TV was not enough, now obstinately politicians and priests.

TV was not enough pain to speculate at all hours of day and the worst night of the crime, what he sees as victims young innocent lives shattered by the barbarism that unfortunately dwells in every human being. Now around a case such as Yara Gambirasio got excited too, "jackals devotees, politicians, priests and journalists in the odor of sanctity.
Quite sensational shot of the Daniela Santanché , flagship family values \u200b\u200bon behalf of the Party of Knight, who, interviewed by the newspaper , had the face to declare that "after the story of the little Yara judges should resign, because if they had used the same resources for research and technologies that have spent to investigate the girls dell'Olgettina perhaps Yara would still be alive. " An unprecedented courage to compare the two events just to show the fury of the courts against his personal leader, saying, inter alia, a colossal stupidity, as the poor girl was apparently killed shortly after his attack.
But you know, the undersecretary for the Implementation of Programma (quale programma?) non è certo nota per la sua diplomazia e le brutte figure non sembrano averle fatto mai paura.
C'è un altro fronte preoccupante, però. Quello dei catto-integralisti, che cavalcano la storia di Brembirate come se fosse la riedizione della favola di Maria Goretti . 
Antonio Socci , noto per i suoi flop televisivi e le sue prese di posizione pre Concilio Vaticano II, scrive che Yara è una "martire" , che la sua storia è come quella  della santa bambina e che a pochi chilometri dal paese della tragedia ci sono state 13 (!) apparizioni della Madonna (chissà se piangeva sangue di mucca come quella di Civitavecchia). " Il suo martirio è un dolore immenso. Ma giustamente il parroco ha detto che questo angelo adesso è in Cielo, fra le braccia della Madonna. E, voglio aggiungere, si può pensare a Yara (e parlarle) come a una Maria Goretti del XXI secolo. Dovremmo vedere che l’eroismo è un connotato della fede cristiana ", scrive il nostro, come se una buddista, una musulmana, un'ebrea o un'atea non fossero altrettante potenziali vittime di violenze simili e altrettante potenziali sante coraggiose. Un ragionamento delirante che, se avrete lo stomaco di leggere fino alla fine, ha come unico scopo quello di prendersela con i cattivi "laicisti" che non vogliono il crocifisso nella scuole. 
Socci's reasoning must be like the pastor of Brembo Don Corinne Scott, who in a sermon delivered last Sunday we also added the special "spicy," Medieval Revival style, the defense of virginity. Yara, he said, "is like Santa Maria Goretti died to protect her chastity. It 's a saint. Do not worry that your child is hurt but worry that your children do not hurt ," added the priest , while the faithful are touched by the vague.
avalanche of nonsense that prove these in the light of recent revelations about the case: given the limited power they have been inflicted with the knife (which, although numerous, were not fatal) 's murderer could be a woman. If it is true, who knows how badly we will Socci.
accanirà Who else is on the poor remains of thirteen?

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Italy and the women, disadvantaged, unemployed or underpaid.

Eventually, the balance between the demonstrations and parades of ordinary women from the operetta of the female head, I leave that to talk about the condition of the other half of the sky Italy are the cold numbers of ' Istat. That show, quite simply, that Italian women are studying more and have more titles than men, but are disadvantaged in the job, the less you pay and often unemployed.
The female employment rate is 35.4%, against 48.6% males, 13 points less. Also for graduate employment rate is lower than that of peers (47.7% vs. 48.8%).
Young women often have a fixed-term employment (34.8% versus 27, 4% of men).
In the South, 44.6% of graduates work in time and in most cases it is not a choice: 64% of women 18-29 years of declaring it to work part-time because he has not found a full-time job. Those few who make careers, all of them with lower wages of at least 10% those of men.

Monday, March 7, 2011

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Defend public school? You reproach that the (alleged) leader of the left send their children to private.

Let no one dare to defend public schools as the government tries to finally make it to pieces. After the infamous attack Berlusconi teachers crazy scissors state and the minister Gelmini (19,700 less than the chairs in the 2011-2012 season for a total of 87,400 posts cut and an army of teachers of middle and high retired and never replaced in the period 2009-2011), who tries to open her mouth is silenced by the press of family (Arcore).
The latest idea? Reproach to us poor supporters of state education that the (very presumptive and presentuosi) maitre-a-penser of the left send their children to private school . Did you know that the daughters of Francesco Rutelli have entered a private high school at Kennedy, the other at the prestigious St. Joseph's College de Merode, overlooking the English Steps? And the daughter of Giovanna Melandri goes to the college of St. Joseph Street Casaletto? We never believe it, but the daughter of Michele Santoro Chateaubriand is listed at the French school, while the son of director Nanni Moretti be all'Ambrit International School. The Journal rages and reveals that even the children of Anna Finocchiaro and that dreaded Bolshevik scout Beppe Fioroni prefer salty fees of private institutions (also Catholic).
Apart from the fact that you do not understand why someone who sends their children to private school can not defend the survival of the public (or rather, we understand perfectly, because the culture does not provide the right you can "vote" against personal interests in the name of the public), but then, my god, these would be the "big " of the left? The real left-wing voters to Rutelli (past now definitely with the Democrats, having lost an election after the other) and Melandri (fierce dancer party di Briatore al Billionaire ) probabilmente sputerebbe in un occhio, per non parlare di Fioroni, che di danni alla scuola pubblica, se fosse durato, ne avrebbe fatti ben più della Gelmini. Quanto a Santoro e Moretti, si tratta notoriamente di milionari che hanno tutto il diritto di "investire" soldi nella formazione dei figli, anche se le loro scelte strappano più di un sorriso sarcastico. Siccome ogni tanto alzano la cresta, ce li dobbiamo beccare come "nostri" leader e pazienza. 
Non ci resta che la Gelmini, la quale durante la presentazione del suo libro di favole popolari nordiche dedicato alla figlia (!) ha tranquillizato tutti: "La scuola è in grado di reggere. Abbiamo provided for a reduction of organic plant linked to actual needs of teaching. "
There could be a de profundis better.

Liquid Feeling In Stomach

Women of the PDL in the field. Meritocracy explained from a beautiful chair. First

had to take to the streets, as he wanted the blood Daniela Santanche (that offense decided not to participate). But then, to avoid the usual very bad shape, they preferred the Auditorium of Technology in Rome, the room became too even for small meetings of Confindustria, to gather in the name of who knows what, but surely avendo presente " contro " chi. Le donne del Pdl ce l'hanno con quelle, molto più numerose, che sono scese in tutte le piazze italiane lo scorso 13 febbraio per chiedere le dimissioni del "vecchio porco" (la definizione è del direttore di Libero , Maurizio Belpietro , non prendetevela con me). 
Mara Carfagna , passata dai calendari da camionista al ministero delle Pari Opportunità, Mariastella Gelmini , l'avvocato che ha passato gli esami a Catanzaro perché a Brescia l'avevano " seccata " un paio di volte, Michela Vittoria Brambilla , premiata con il ministero del Turismo per la sua fedeltà al grande capo, non ci stanno a passare per "oche", "raccomandate", o "prostitute", come quella cattivone delle veterofemministe vorrebbero far credere. La loro poltroncina se la sono conquistata con il merito, diamine. 
La Carfagna, saltata con abilità dal nude-look al tailleur ministeriale, ha ironizzato sulle donne della sinistra, " accompagnate dai loro maschietti, accecate dal furore ideologico ". Giorgia Meloni , secondo Libero, ha addirittura "infiammato" la platea. " Noi siamo prima di tutto dei militanti non siamo delle oche. Veniamo sempre tacciate di essere fasciste esaltate o prostitute o delle gallinelle del potere, cito il copyright di un signore che qualcuno si ostina a chiamare intellettuale e che porta il nome di Giorgio Bocca ", ha detto severa dall'alto del suo diploma di Istituto linguistico e del suo accento da borgatara, sicuramente la persona più adatta per valutare un intellettuale, forse arrabbiata perché quando qualcuno parla di persone che hanno conquistato un posto al solo grazie a favori sessuali nessuno pensa a lei. La ministra daa' Garbatella è lì perché ce l'ha messa Gianfranco Fini , c'è rimasta attaccata come una cozza e non ha ancora capito che al prossimo giro di giostra il Caimano la farà cortesemente scendere.
Una faccia di bronzo come poche, insomma, il volersi compared to the hundreds of thousands of ordinary people who demonstrated last month, outraged at the fact that the head of the Italian government has been indicted for aiding and abetting the prostitution of minors, and talk of "meritocracy". And it is good that they always ricodare pasionaria the right has not been voted on by anyone ended up in blocked lists and lists of divisions of the ministries, are the beautiful statues of the system without a shred of knowledge and ability. Perhaps it will be geese and prostitutes, but they certainly did not deserve anything.

Birthday Guest Book Template

March 8 to 15, Lampedusa island, in the heart. Creative journey with Maria Teresa de Sanctis

March 8 to 15 in Lampedusa

"island in the heart"

a creative journey with Maria Teresa de Sanctis

Securities are important, as the names (in nomine omen, the destino nel nome dicevano i romani) e allora: Nell’isola, perché chi vive in un’isola è diverso da chi vive nel continente, nel cuore, perché è nella storia di Lampedusa accogliere quei viandanti del mare che qui arrivano da sempre dalle tante coste lontane e questo qualche traccia nel cuore dell’isolano di sicuro lo deve aver lasciato…

Con gli strumenti dell’arte teatrale (il corpo, la voce, il gesto, la parola) inizieremo un percorso nel quale il racconto teatrale possa divenire la voce delle emozioni di ciascuno dei partecipanti.

Il journey is long and I know that whoever takes really, it is difficult to conclude. I am still walking ...

Participants can be from 14 to 100 years. The the course will run from 8/3/2011 to 15/3/2011 and include 4 hours a day to be established with the group.

Anyone interested in attending this course, please contact the following numbers 3393178760 or 3408332067 leave a message on facebook .

Theatre Workshop organized by ARCI ASKAVUSA

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Paranoid About Herpes

March 8, Messina: PRESENTATION OF "will be tomorrow and will have your eyes" [Society of Literature and March First Movement]

Presentation of the book "will be tomorrow and will have your eyes"

Publisher Compagnie des Lettres

Tuesday, March 8, 2011 15:30 pm

Casa del Tango - Via Castellammare No 6 Messina

by associations of foreigners like us, Puerto de Buenos Aires, Bookcrossing Messina and Palermo Committee March 1

to explain and comment on the book will be Tindara Ignazzitto, coordinator of the First Committee in March of Palermo, the Italian second language teacher at the School of Italian Language University di Palermo e autrice del portale siciliano su intercultura e cultura della pace

L'articolo che segue è di Cristina Sebastiani, una delle scrittrici dell'antologia, ed è stato pubblicato il 22.02.11 su Corriere Immigrazione:


"I racconti finalisti del concorso del Comitato Primo Marzo e della casa editrice Compagnie delle Lettere vedono finalmente light in the anthology "will be tomorrow and will have your eyes" to promote the values \u200b\u200bof mixity and social integration. The publishing companies Letters born with the vocation of the literature of migration. When he came out the press release to announce the birth of this collection of short stories, more than one person told me: why are you there? are not migrants. The anthology is called "will be tomorrow and will have your eyes" and by the March First Movement ( ).

I'm not migrant and neither are some other people who write to me in this anthology, some are, others are just because Italy is to stick a label that they do not want: this is the migration and this is the answer.

Migration is made up of movements and passages, of modifications and changes, the labels change. Today we know that migration is not only what left for America with the cardboard suitcase in his hand - perhaps partly for a green Swedish University that offers fabulous benefits unimaginable in Italy for the privilege of having his intelligence or for Africa to do research on the social field or farm a field with environmentally sustainable methods ever faced by our country. And we know that sometimes the immigrant was born here and shares our Italian team (so that there is a net concept), but the laws are not ready, poor, to say Italian, and sometimes parents are foreign born of different nationalities who have traveled and discovered places and cultures, before settling in Italy, and carries himself first and then the sum of everything which is, sometimes born in a nomadic village, in a chaotic megalopolis Asian, sometimes studied, sometimes it has not been able to do, sometimes it is left for choice, on the plane and the fine clothes, and sometimes escaped and no one can really tell what he went through. And we were born, raised, fed by this air and earth, we have changed: we are no longer those of our parents' generation, migration is in our blood, one can never be free, and we can all have something to say.

's what this anthology, the patient work of selection and collection of stories of "literature of migration" of a group of people, and scrittirici writers, poets and writers, scholars and even amateurs Hanoi common that they have something to say about the migration. Something important, that not anticipate in detail because each would be like telling the end of the film. Something that is not even the usual banal, deployment, stories, photographs of immigrants, more or less tragic, more or less complicated: there is here in the flesh, heart, thought and action, there is a whole new company.

Read it.

The stories are by Julio Monteiro Martins, George Nardi, Christiana de Caldas Brito, Savina Dolores Massa, Michael Zizzi, Claudiléia Lemes Dias, Aurora Filiberto Hernandez, Paolo Piccoli, Lorenzo Mazzoni, Kathiusca Toala Olivares, shaved Guergana , Irina Serban, Enrica Boffetta, Flore Murard-Yovanovitch, Ingy Mubiayi, Alfredo Chiatello, Cristina Sebastiani, Simone Silva, Antonia Piredda, Judicael Ouango Kiswendsida".

Congrats With Your Marriage God

March 8, Palermo: Public Debate, "What hopes and what obstacles the Libyan and Tunisian riots they carry? "

Martedi 8 Marzo 2011

alle ore 19,30

in via Schioppettieri 8

(traversa di corso Vittorio Emanuele at the traffic via Roma)

at the club "Left"

What hopes and what obstacles the
Libyan and Tunisian riots they carry?

depth meetings on the situation with Farid Adly Libya, Libyan journalist of "Radio Popolare" who lives in Sicily (for Acquedolci) for several years, director of the Arab press "ANBAMED "and a contributor to Corriere della Sera, and others. Last Monday was a guest on "The Unfaithful" by Gad Lerner.

from Tunisia to Egypt, Yemen, Libya, the people are rebelling against restrictions of freedom against the authoritarian systems, against high prices, which rise up against the walls to prevent freedom of movement, for democracy, freedom, dignity, equality and respect for fundamental rights.

clear the centrality of the social question
and its close link with the political question:
what hopes and the obstacles facing those they carry?

also spoke also

Fateh Hamdan, of "The House of Culture Arab Al Quds

Zaher Darwish, responsanbile migrants CGIL Palermo

Unless Lipari and Thomas Mazzara

Gay Spots In Lubbock Texas

A television program on RAI for Italian language learning

The Interior Ministry announced that it was made, in collaboration con la RAI, il programma televisivo

Cantieri d’Italia
l’italiano di base per costruire
la cittadinanza

Il programma sarà fruibile in questo modo:

RAI 2 : dal 3 febbraio ogni giovedì e venerdi dalle 9,45 alle 10,00

Rai Scuola : dal 4 febbraio ogni martedì e venerdi dalle 10,30 alle 11,00

Ogni puntata sarà nuovamente broadcast on RAI 1 on 24 February, every Thursday and Friday from 02,00 to 02,30

addition, from February 5, http://www.cantieriditalia.rai on the site. com / showcasing the depth and extra teaching materials, etc. as well as self-assessment test. It will also be possible to review each teaching unit transmitted.

The television series will be developed in 42 episodes, each of which will be divided into the following sections:

- Welcome to Italy: examples of typical situations of the new city, homogeneous content of the learning unit

- Speaking Italian: in-depth linguistic and grammatical

- The visual vocabulary: short word list of basic

- Living in Italy: rights and duties of foreign nationals, accompanied by a compass orientation services

- Today we talked about ...: list of graphics card in all the information of the episode.

To see the next episodes of PROGRAMS


Usb Treat Laptop As Harddrive

March 8 to 15, Palermo: Art Exhibition "We are Russian" - 2011 Year of Russian culture in Italy and Italian culture in Russia

2 0 1 1 – A n n o   d e l l a   c u l t u r a   r u s s a   i n   I t a l i a
e   d e l l a   c u l t u r a   itali a n a i n RUSSIA

The cultural association "Sicilia-Russia"

with the support of the Consulate General of the Russian Federation in Palermo

opens the art exhibition

"МЫ - РУССКИЕ" "MY - RUSSKI" "We are Russian"

8 to March 15

painting, ceramics, photography, fashion, crafts

Niscemi Villa, Living Coach

March 8 18:00 Niscemi Square, 1