Monday, February 28, 2011

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The attack on public schools. Berlusconi fired the first shot of the Journal is queued.

The public school is not if the past is never very good. But the attack from the right which is subject to the government is probably unprecedented. Not content with the substantial budget cuts and the huge amount of money turned to private schools (which in Italy are almost exclusively Catholic), the common people of freedom trying to inflict the final blow, accusing the state teachers of the worst atrocities.
to make amends with the orgies Lele Mora and Emilio Fede, Saturday was the Cayman submitted to Congress in one of the many self-styled Italian political parties, the Christian reformers as staunch defender of Catholic values, and he hit the club over the heads of public teachers, who "inculcate ideas different from those that are transmitted in families" . What is a sentence so that a bit 'disturbing in that it does not exclude the possibility that the classroom teacher who has the son of a couple of racists is forced to orient themselves in that way. But you know, the prime minister is a joker and a few hours after it said the usual magic word: "I have been misrepresented."
The problem is that information from him handsomely salaried workers have heard the clarion call and have launched the attack in an attempt not to take prisoners. Today on Journal , Mario Giordano launches into a series of ridiculous allegations, even more shameful that, in an article entitled "If the public school is a paradise of ideology," Take up the gun and shoot: "What are the gulag? An error evaluation . And foibe? never existed. Who was Lenin? A genuine democratic . The Br? unaware Fascists. Anyway, we must understand them: they wanted social justice. Berlusconi, who is not like a thug leading Italy into chaos . De Gasperi, Einaudi? Two traitors to the Republic. The forces of the left? The only guarantee of respect for the Constitution . And Stalin seemed reassuring in his immense authority, an authority tough but fair ".
According to former Director of Open Studio and the same newspaper that the hour columnist, this nonsense would be written on "manual on which our boys usually studying." Enormity of this kind, drawn there, without a shred of documentation, as if it were something as established in the public domain, made it a dogma that dall'imprinting of its leader. The delusion is truly psychedelic ago when our then declares that "private school there. The school, in fact, it is always a public service, any person to administer it, the State or private entity. What's the point then? Simple: assure everyone the freedom to choose. "
downloading on the shoulders of taxpayers who choose the public school costs, abnormal, of the Catholic Church, is unclear.


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