Friday, February 25, 2011

My Dog Has Ulcers On His Gums

Giuliano Ferrara "rewarded" with the place of Enzo Biagi in Rai. Silvio continues to impact on the community the cost of his associates.

To become a millionaire you must have a certain attitude of stinginess. We are reminded every day our "dear leader", covering gifts to its family court, but it does always wisely (necklaces and jewelry bought machines in series and "kilometer zero" papi-for girls) or choose to download the issue on the community. Apart from the girls placed in the House and the regional councils and municipal Silvio Berlusconi, who also owns three television networks, you help the Rai, the sacred cow milked over the decades from a long line of politicians of each sign. Apart from the appointment and advice you like and pay through the nose, between the directors of the head, and network executives, but they were not used to much because in the end the audience at home is not completely brain-damaged and change the channel, preference (looks a bit ') its transmissions do not like the premier, there was recently the case with Luca Barbareschi , who for his farewell to Gianfranco Fini was rewarded with the prime time broadcast of his film (which has a stable record, the audience lowest ever recorded on Raitre) and buy a package of fiction produced by this company.
And now is the time Giuliano Ferrara, who will return as early as next month Rai with a tramissione which airs after the Tg1 20, Monday through Friday, or the space before the famous edict was occupied by Bulgarian Enzo Biagi. E think that just two months ago, interviewed by the newspaper , instead of questioning him urging him to take the field in defense of the majority, he replied: "I do not want to go back on TV, I like living. It may be that the desire I come back, but is and will be a private matter. " But then he had let himself go to the tear, "It 's my third Christmas without television." Stuff of fairy tales by Andersen .
Someone from the parts of Arcore, he must have thought well to put an end to this tragic absence, but of course the mighty reporter if he is not saddled Mediaset , but Viale Mazzini, and with a wave of unprecedented imagination has deciso che la trasmissione si chiamerà Radio Londra , lo stesso titolo usato da Ferrara ai tempi di Canale 5 e Italia 1 , prima della discesa in campo del Cavaliere. 
Ferrara è una tipica maschera della commedia all'italiana. Comunista fino agli anni ottanta, socialista fino alla caduta dell'impero craxiano, berlusconiano fin dagli inizi di Forza Italia (era il suo datore di lavoro) e poi addirittura teocon , lui che aveva fatto il sessantotto e che insieme alla moglie aveva cercato di fare una trasmissione sul sesso, censurata dopo un intervento della Dc proprio su Berlusconi. I suoi detrattori ricordano i fallimenti a catena, the unfortunate parenthesis as director of Panorama , the role played in the first government of the Knight, who died after only seven months, through his attempts election (in 1997 for a vacancy occurs in Tuscany, Mugello, against Antonio Di Peter takes a licking and ever seen, and in 2008 shows the list " Abortion? No Thanks" to the policies, resulting in the dramatic figure of 0.3% of the vote).
Even among his most bitter enemies, however, there are those who can not help but mention his great intelligence, who probably will be able to show in private, since his last public appearances have always been dedicated to free of the insult and tactics of the elevation to cover the voice actors (and, unbelievably, that the chest that is found, it also has easy game). The fact is that in a moment of great difficulty for his mentor, he decided to leave the role of Director of quiet Sheet arena to return and defend, in brief shots, the integrity of the master against the "moral ".
A man in the round, ready for new battles. Of course pays Pantalone .


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