Monday, February 28, 2011

Is It Dangerous To Cleanse Gallstones

Berlusconi without a mobile phone. Who will call the pope-girls? No hope

''Silvio Berlusconi no longer has a phone, not because it can not but because it is subjected to any kind of interception.'' Among the many bales fired this morning by our former president of the Council, which found no better way to go to the submission of an amazing new initiative his party's staff just to avoid being seen in the courtroom at the hearing in the courts of first criminal section of the Milan court that the process concerns the funds blacks on TV rights by Mediaset, the phone this seemed the more remarkable.
As is known, the "Dear leader" has never been intercepted by anyone. The problem is that Silvio Berlusconi has no friends, has some flaws. And so, very often, he happens to talk on the phone with corrupt and corrupting, prostitutes and pimps, drug dealers and girlfriends of friends of the mafia, which, in turn, speak of him together. And the girls in via dell'Olgettina, who had all his personal number, not even the worst.
Hard to know if his assumption is more or low intelligence, but be that as it is not the fault of the judiciary if in dozens of investigations into a range of offenses, which covers half of our criminal code, at one point he jumps out . But a lie, if repeated hundreds of times in total absence of contradictory and unified networks, in turn ends with the truth. And to assimilate the methods of investigation of police and judges to those of East Germany's communist times is a fantastic backflip that serves only to justify a measure, which ones so undemocratic, as the bill that would limit the wiretaps, a survey instrument that has not got in trouble for Berlusconi, but hundreds of murderers and criminals of various kinds, which otherwise would still go unpunished.


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