Thursday, February 24, 2011

Coleman Evcon Furnace Flashes Three

How do you snap the black man famous: the Jamaican Buju Banton convicted drug in Florida. Likely 15 years.

's over evil, as often happens to the heroes of the island beautiful and tortured, the parable of Buju Banton , probably the most famous reggae singer Bob Marley and appreciated after , sentenced in Florida for another drug. A story as emblematic of the American judicial system still moves in perfect harmony slavery, when it comes to putting their backs to the wall any one ethnic minority.
Mark Myrie, the name of the musician, was completely caught by a police informer, hired a former drug trafficker, money from the goddess based on the number of dealers who manages to stop. Dude, Alexander Johnson, Buju has experienced on a flight from Madrid to Miami and has proposed the purchase of a large amount of cocaine (five pounds) with intent to sell. Once in Florida, managed to film the Jamaican taste while the drug and discusses the deal. Then, however, cocaine is bought by two other people and when the trap snaps the singer is not there. Arrested him at his house, where they found nothing, in December 2009 and held in jail until September, repeatedly denying bail.
During the first trial, the DEA agent who followed the investigation, Daniel McCaffrey , admits he does not have evidence of the guilt of the singer, despite almost a year of investigations, and that legal action in its comparisons was made only by the testimony of the informant, who would have received from the U.S. government at least $ 50,000 for having "caught" a big name. The jury can not reach a unanimous verdict and the process must be redone from scratch.
Meanwhile, Banton released from prison on bail ($ 250,000, plus an obligation to stay home and wear an electronic bracelet) and last month the courts allow him anche di fare un concerto, a Miami, al quale partecipano decina di migliaia di persone. 
Ieri, una giuria del tribunale di Tampa lo ha riconosciuto colpevole di traffico di droga e perfino di possesso illegale di armi, nonostante non gli sia stata sequestrata neanche una fionda. Ora rischia fino a 15 anni di carcere, dove è già stato nuovamente rinchiuso, mentre gli avvocati stanno tentando un difficile ricorso in appello. La sua unica speranza di evitare la galera è una possibile "deportazione" in Giamaica . Non potrà mai più mettere piede negli Usa, ma siccome gode di una notevole fama anche in Europa, sarebbe in grado di continuare la sua carriera di artista International.
Winner of several Grammy Award , years has come under fire associations that defend the rights of gay (very powerful in the U.S.) for a song dating back to 1988 when Mark Myrie was only 15 years, entitled "Boom bye bye " homophobic to the point of preaching the shooting against "batty bwoys . When converted to Rastafarianism in 1995 he published " Til Shiloh" (probably his finest album), the song seemed not to remember anyone, not even in Jamaica where people preferred to sing in the choir's "Untold Stories " a song di forte denuncia sociale.
Poi improvvisamente qualcuno ha ritirato fuori quel brano e ci ha montato sopra un caso mediatico un po' insulso, traducendo alla lettera quelle che erano solo spacconate tipiche dei giamaicani. La loro antipatia verso l'omosessualità è (purtroppo) ben nota. Lo stesso Marley, icona del fricchettonismo più spinto, la considerava immorale. Si potrebbe stare delle ore a parlare del problema, ma è riduttivo cercare sempre di interpretare tutto secondo i propri metri di giudizio. Qualcuno dovrebbe capire che è stupido farsi crescere i dreadlocks , inneggiare a Rastafari, e poi stupirsi perché una filosofia religiosa, come tutte le altre, esprime concetti irritanti per le minoranze. 
Today Jamaica Observer draws a comparison between Buju Banton and one of Jamaica's national heroes, Sir William Alexander Bustamante , founder of the first trade union activist for the rights of workers and finally heads government in the early years of independence from Britain. A very popular man among his countrymen, but for the same reasons watched with suspicion by the Americans, always eager to keep their claws well anchored on the neighborhood. The popularity, writes a columnist of the newspaper, " does not matter if the Americans even remotely think that you are guilty of a crime or decide to take revenge for the insult fatto nei confronti delle potenti associazioni dei gay. Credo che Bob Marley e Peter Tosh avessero imparato la lezione, perché non hanno mai cantato quel genere di canzoni ". 
Una bravata da cazzoni, quella commessa dal cantante, ma pagata cara per il colore della sua pelle, per una vecchia canzone e per l'antipatia che soprattutto i cittadini bianchi della Florida hanno nei confronti dei giamaicani, quei negri chiassosi, volgari e drogati.


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