Friday, February 25, 2011

Tv Show With Hit The Road Jack And Puppet

to get rid of Silvio, a similar opposition joke. Vendola dragged through the mud of the underworld, while the Democratic Party a record tide of absences in class and passes once again the trust.

No, there is no way to get rid of King of the bunga-bunga. Not enough thousand manifestations as that of women (not successful because organized by political parties) where the opposition to Berlusconi continue to be represented by these sleazy characters. Even today Pd has taken his fair shovelful of mud in his face, as the Prosecutor of Bari has signed the request for the arrest of Senator Albert German, a former commissioner of the Health Region of Puglia, who is accused of driving appointments to local health and administrative and medical directors in order to divert the call for tenders and supplies to contractors friends. Already under investigation for two years, German is still in prison (and never mind if the Government Parliamentary never authorize the arrest) just because the Democratic Party saved him letting it into the Senate. Not only that, even if his position was filed by the investigating magistrate, the story does not come out well either Nichi Vendola, the governor poet in which many supporters of the left have high hopes that in interceptions thus appears eager to put hands on the places that matter to the point of asking you to change the laws that prevent a welcome appointment.
A marvel.
But never the last shot of our "losers" of trade. Today the House voted it the confidence to Milleproproghe the decree, the usual bullshit of the majority, which practically set up a new budget law if nothing had happened. The legislative masterpiece was voted with 309 votes in favor and 287 against. On 14 December, the trust Berlusconi was voted by 314 votes in favor and 311 against, meaning that if today the fake opponents of the caudillo had all been cursed at their place would have dropped.
Congratulations to all.


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