Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Frozen Margarita Bucket Mix

Valerio Verbano, Fausto and Iaio, the secrets of the seventies never end. We will have one day a minister of the Interior ordered to open their archives?

Come se fossero una telenovela senza fine, i segreti degli anni di piombo tornano sulle pagine dei giornali ciclicamente, senza che al Viminale ci sia mai qualcuno, a prescindere dall'orientamento politico, che sia disposto ad aprire quei maledetti archivi. Stavolta tocca a due casi quasi contemporaneamente, quello di Valerio Verbano , militante romano della sinistra extraparlamentare ucciso dentro casa sua il 22 febbraio del 1980 e quello di Fausto Tinelli e Lorenzo "Iaio" Iannucci due diciottenni che frequentavano il Centro Sociale Leoncavallo , uccisi a Milano il 18 marzo 1978, due giorni dopo il rapimento di Aldo Moro . 
I colpevoli non furono mai trovati e nei confronti delle vittime si scatenĂ² anche una campagna diffamatoria (In the first case there were those who said that word was struck by his own comrades because he was a spy, while Fausto Iaio and there was talk of a settling of scores between drug dealers). More than thirty years after the two episodes, the story is enriched with new details.
for the murder of the young Roman, murdered at home by three people who were waiting at the gate after having bound and gagged the gentiori the Attorney is investigating two suspected members to Nar , right-wing terrorist organization often connected to the Italian and American secret services and even Banda Magliana . One of them has long since fled abroad, while the other has remade a life in Italy and is an unexpected professional.
Shadow services diversion also extends into the case of two boys in Milan. Fausto's mother, Danila Angels, in an interview with Radio 24 , raised the allegations. " My son was the victim of a killer commando arrived from Rome to Milan, at the height of the kidnapping of Aldo Moro, in a city reinforced by police. A contract killing of secret service men. The state apparatus had rented an apartment on the third floor of my building, in via Monte Nevoso 9, right in front of residence in the apartment belonging to the Red Brigades, responsible for the abduction Moor, where they were found the memorials of the President of the Christian Democrat , "said the woman, providing precise information .
Yet surely the truth is written somewhere in those archives covered by an absurd secret State and kept in the rooms of the interior ministry mephitic. After the end of the first Republic in the chair of Minister of the Interior took turns political sign political opposite, by Nicola Mancino to Roberto Maroni, through Enzo Bianco, Claudio Scajola (I wonder if he had been appointed without his knowledge there as well), Giuseppe Pisanu and Giuliano Amato , not to mention Giorgio Napolitano, who first announced the magistrates to send some folders, but then left them be confidential, obviously including those relating to the process Moro. Not only that, by the Minister 'Inside the current President of the Republic became the head slip under the noses of the P2 Masonic Lodge, Licio Gelli , escaped abroad (after having escaped from prison in 1983) April 28, 1998, the day of the disclosure the final sentence of conviction for murder and screening by the Supreme Court.
the epitome, the Communists.


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