Thursday, February 24, 2011

Jena Jameson Anorexic

Italian police: you keep the place for murderers and thugs, and is struck critics of Berlusconi.

I " law enforcement" in Italy can split the head and torture Youth locked up for no reason helpless inside a military base in Genoa or in the streets of Naples, can shoot like crazy cowboy along a highway and killing at random, like a dog can kill a guy just because they "gave in outburst, can come to terms with the drug traffickers to make a career and for these reasons to be sentenced in several instances. No one who is in power the center-right or center it makes no difference, never ask to be removed from the bodies they belong to. But if one of them dared to express criticism of Silvio Berlusconi , then it is struck.
E 'the incredible case of Gioacchino Genchi, experienced policeman Analysis on the phone records, a former consultant and key man Falcone dozens of investigations on organized crime, which has stuck with its investigations hundreds of mobsters, murderers, drug dealers and white-collar (such as Cuff and Dell 'Utri ).
Obviously someone had to make him pay.
And so the ineffable police chief, Antonio Manganelli (nomen omen), suspended him for the first time for having responded to Facebook a journalist called him a liar and a second time when he gave an interview about his work as a consultant, also played while he was on leave from the State Police. The third fatal Genchi suspension came because he dared to criticize Berlusconi during a demonstration of 'Italy of Values \u200b\u200b and a conference of the movement of Beppe Grillo , to which a compliant doctor had signed a prognosis of 90 days for the broken tooth the model of the Duomo in Milan wrung face Tartaglia .
Yesterday, the "first baton" has signed his dismissal for conduct "detrimental to the prestige of the organs and institutions of the state" which "has been widely dissemination in the media at the national level. "
continue to wear the uniform, however, the butchers Mexican G8 summit in Genoa, the murderers of Federico Aldrovandi, an official "Clint Eastwood" Spaccarotella (the murderess of Gabriele Sandri ), the former Police Chief Antonio De Gennaro (sentenced on appeal for having led the Quaestor of Genoa to commit perjury at the time of the G8 and now quietly at the head of the secret services) and, just to complete the work before quoting the parish, Carabinieri General Ganzer, convicted drug trafficking.
"Ah South America / dancers waiting on one leg / the last love of another rumba."


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