Monday, February 21, 2011

Bottomless Inkjet Printer

Rome, the long arm of Opus Dei in the scandal of Parentopoli.

What to power us are Wa (l) b Veltroni or Gianni Alemanno not matter. The long arm of 'Opus Dei on public affairs in Rome proves more than ever present and active. The magistrates who are involved in the recruitment scandal to 'Love , the company that manages (very high price and bad for the citizens) the collection of waste in the capital, have entered on the register of suspects five people: the managing director Franco Panzironi , Gianfrancesco Regard , former legal director of Ama, Luciano Cedrone, personnel manager, Ivano Spadoni, a former executive Love and Sergio Bruno , President of the Consorzio Elis , company staff training and interim property of Opus Dei. In June 2009, was entrusted with the recruitment of 544 persons (200 drivers, 324 operators and 20 ecological gravediggers), performed with methods that investigators found to be wholly arbitrary. The Consortium defends itself saying that it played only the selection and training tasks, but they seem substantiated the many links with the likes of the company that shows the names of John FISCON (operations director) and Cedrone (one suspects) both honorary members of Elis. But the first appointments by the City of Rome, one of the many depictions of the sect founded by Escriva de Balaguer , the "saint" who supported the Franco dictatorship, date back to 2005, when his companion sat in the Capitol Nutella.
The latest demonstration of the incredible penetration into civil society of this fake religious order who has always marched alongside the most shameful political figures (as well as Franco said, is known their opposition to Liberation Theology in South America and their shameful support for the South American dictatorships, all in the name of anti-operetta of Pope Wojtyla ) and promoted every aspect of Catholic doctrine and conservative vulgar in stark contrast to the timid though openings Council Vaticano II . 


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