Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Reply Letter For Interview

History of Gaddafi, the butcher friend of friends.

Let's face it. Libyans bombed by the poor only because they gather in the square do not care much. What makes your legs shake the government is above all the assumptions that may flow back to our shores thousands of people fleeing and the possibility that gas supplies suffer a major blow by lethal consequences. Everyone is suddenly faced with the madness of having argued for years as a madman Muammar Gaddafi, the histrionic despot who has been able to gradually convince the United States, Italy and the European Union to leave in the saddle.
came to power in 1969 with a bloodless coup, the "Guardian of the Revolution" ruled for 40 years doing the slalom between the useless stakes imposed by the international community and convincing like a barker square governments of different colors and orientation, who preferred to leave rather than erase it from history where it was when it would be easy and possible.
His relations with the neighboring Italy bordering on schizophrenia. In the early years of dictatorship, Gaddafi drives off in a bad way the Italians who lived in Libya since the days of the colony, but in 1972 Tripoli gives rise to a joint enterprise with the ' Eni and the Italians are not limited to providing only petrochemical technology, but also one of our products for which we are famous in the world, weapons. Four years later, with a resounding coup de theater, Gaddafi arrives to save the Fiat, buying 10% of the group's shares at a time of crisis black. In 1978, that is only nine years by the rise to power of the leader, the Italian community in Libya has already been reconstituted and has beautiful in at least 16 000 people. That year, the then Prime Minister, Giulio Andreotti , goes to visit Tripoli to sign the new friendly relations.
But the man of the desert farther and look in his delusion of wanting to be a sort of Third Way Arabic to capitalism and communism, is aligned with Moscow, happy to give him a lot 'of weapons. There and then the U.S. reagiscoono, in part because the White House is a modest Gerry Ford, who succeeded Nixon resigned and then defeated in the presidential Jimmy Carter. With the Democrats in power, tensions with the Americans begin to deteriorate in July 1980 and is the tragedy of Ustica, with the most reliable in circulation that the plane Itavia suggests a reduction by NATO fighters who were trying to hit a plane on which he was traveling just the Libyan leader.
With the arrival of Ronald Reagan, eager to prove his reputation as a cowboy and a strong man, Gaddafi ends up in the viewfinder also officially and Italy between two fires. On 15 April 1986 the Americans carpet-bombed Libya (45 planes in 12 minutes disengaged 232 bombs and 48 missiles) trying to eliminate the rais, but still remains in the operation killed one of his daughters, Gaddafi is saved thanks to Bettino Craxi, then prime minister, who warns of the danger. The rais forces to divert suspicion, launched two Scud missiles against Lampedusa, which fortunately has a low range and into the sea.
After another crisis in 1988, after the horrendous Lockerbie bombing , the worst terrorist act in history before September 11 of 2001 attributed to Libya by the UN, begins the incredible reverse. Gaddafi spring Islamism and the now dissolved Soviet bloc and Western approaches to the positions slowly, by purchasing credit so difficult to explain: In 1999 the UN lifted the ban in 2006 and President George W. Bush removes Libya from its list of "rogue states".
Harmless, with their claws removed, and an old man, Gaddafi continues to play a parody of himself, surrounded by virgin Amazonian armed by a court of women all ' nothing but virgins. After Beelzebub pluripregiudicato Andreotti and Craxi, who could make friends with a guy like that? Of course, with Silvio Berlusconi , who teaches Bunga-bunga and with whom to do business, apparently of gold.
Now, in time of crisis, the Italian companies feel the noose tighten around his neck. The money paid to the regime are gone and anticipated contracts which should have enjoyed our company are in serious danger. Not to mention the pipeline through which we Libya supplies of natural gas is completely closed last night. Only
December 23 last year, Berlusconi had the courage to declare to be "bound by true friendship with President Mubarak of Egypt, the Libyan President Gaddafi and President Ben Ali of Tunisia '', demonstrating that the satrap of the problem is the lack of Arcore moral sense that led him to attend a platoon of prostitutes including minors, but his complete inability to be a statesman.


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