Monday, February 28, 2011

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The attack on public schools. Berlusconi fired the first shot of the Journal is queued.

The public school is not if the past is never very good. But the attack from the right which is subject to the government is probably unprecedented. Not content with the substantial budget cuts and the huge amount of money turned to private schools (which in Italy are almost exclusively Catholic), the common people of freedom trying to inflict the final blow, accusing the state teachers of the worst atrocities.
to make amends with the orgies Lele Mora and Emilio Fede, Saturday was the Cayman submitted to Congress in one of the many self-styled Italian political parties, the Christian reformers as staunch defender of Catholic values, and he hit the club over the heads of public teachers, who "inculcate ideas different from those that are transmitted in families" . What is a sentence so that a bit 'disturbing in that it does not exclude the possibility that the classroom teacher who has the son of a couple of racists is forced to orient themselves in that way. But you know, the prime minister is a joker and a few hours after it said the usual magic word: "I have been misrepresented."
The problem is that information from him handsomely salaried workers have heard the clarion call and have launched the attack in an attempt not to take prisoners. Today on Journal , Mario Giordano launches into a series of ridiculous allegations, even more shameful that, in an article entitled "If the public school is a paradise of ideology," Take up the gun and shoot: "What are the gulag? An error evaluation . And foibe? never existed. Who was Lenin? A genuine democratic . The Br? unaware Fascists. Anyway, we must understand them: they wanted social justice. Berlusconi, who is not like a thug leading Italy into chaos . De Gasperi, Einaudi? Two traitors to the Republic. The forces of the left? The only guarantee of respect for the Constitution . And Stalin seemed reassuring in his immense authority, an authority tough but fair ".
According to former Director of Open Studio and the same newspaper that the hour columnist, this nonsense would be written on "manual on which our boys usually studying." Enormity of this kind, drawn there, without a shred of documentation, as if it were something as established in the public domain, made it a dogma that dall'imprinting of its leader. The delusion is truly psychedelic ago when our then declares that "private school there. The school, in fact, it is always a public service, any person to administer it, the State or private entity. What's the point then? Simple: assure everyone the freedom to choose. "
downloading on the shoulders of taxpayers who choose the public school costs, abnormal, of the Catholic Church, is unclear.

Is It Dangerous To Cleanse Gallstones

Berlusconi without a mobile phone. Who will call the pope-girls? No hope

''Silvio Berlusconi no longer has a phone, not because it can not but because it is subjected to any kind of interception.'' Among the many bales fired this morning by our former president of the Council, which found no better way to go to the submission of an amazing new initiative his party's staff just to avoid being seen in the courtroom at the hearing in the courts of first criminal section of the Milan court that the process concerns the funds blacks on TV rights by Mediaset, the phone this seemed the more remarkable.
As is known, the "Dear leader" has never been intercepted by anyone. The problem is that Silvio Berlusconi has no friends, has some flaws. And so, very often, he happens to talk on the phone with corrupt and corrupting, prostitutes and pimps, drug dealers and girlfriends of friends of the mafia, which, in turn, speak of him together. And the girls in via dell'Olgettina, who had all his personal number, not even the worst.
Hard to know if his assumption is more or low intelligence, but be that as it is not the fault of the judiciary if in dozens of investigations into a range of offenses, which covers half of our criminal code, at one point he jumps out . But a lie, if repeated hundreds of times in total absence of contradictory and unified networks, in turn ends with the truth. And to assimilate the methods of investigation of police and judges to those of East Germany's communist times is a fantastic backflip that serves only to justify a measure, which ones so undemocratic, as the bill that would limit the wiretaps, a survey instrument that has not got in trouble for Berlusconi, but hundreds of murderers and criminals of various kinds, which otherwise would still go unpunished.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Tv Show With Hit The Road Jack And Puppet

to get rid of Silvio, a similar opposition joke. Vendola dragged through the mud of the underworld, while the Democratic Party a record tide of absences in class and passes once again the trust.

No, there is no way to get rid of King of the bunga-bunga. Not enough thousand manifestations as that of women (not successful because organized by political parties) where the opposition to Berlusconi continue to be represented by these sleazy characters. Even today Pd has taken his fair shovelful of mud in his face, as the Prosecutor of Bari has signed the request for the arrest of Senator Albert German, a former commissioner of the Health Region of Puglia, who is accused of driving appointments to local health and administrative and medical directors in order to divert the call for tenders and supplies to contractors friends. Already under investigation for two years, German is still in prison (and never mind if the Government Parliamentary never authorize the arrest) just because the Democratic Party saved him letting it into the Senate. Not only that, even if his position was filed by the investigating magistrate, the story does not come out well either Nichi Vendola, the governor poet in which many supporters of the left have high hopes that in interceptions thus appears eager to put hands on the places that matter to the point of asking you to change the laws that prevent a welcome appointment.
A marvel.
But never the last shot of our "losers" of trade. Today the House voted it the confidence to Milleproproghe the decree, the usual bullshit of the majority, which practically set up a new budget law if nothing had happened. The legislative masterpiece was voted with 309 votes in favor and 287 against. On 14 December, the trust Berlusconi was voted by 314 votes in favor and 311 against, meaning that if today the fake opponents of the caudillo had all been cursed at their place would have dropped.
Congratulations to all.

My Dog Has Ulcers On His Gums

Giuliano Ferrara "rewarded" with the place of Enzo Biagi in Rai. Silvio continues to impact on the community the cost of his associates.

To become a millionaire you must have a certain attitude of stinginess. We are reminded every day our "dear leader", covering gifts to its family court, but it does always wisely (necklaces and jewelry bought machines in series and "kilometer zero" papi-for girls) or choose to download the issue on the community. Apart from the girls placed in the House and the regional councils and municipal Silvio Berlusconi, who also owns three television networks, you help the Rai, the sacred cow milked over the decades from a long line of politicians of each sign. Apart from the appointment and advice you like and pay through the nose, between the directors of the head, and network executives, but they were not used to much because in the end the audience at home is not completely brain-damaged and change the channel, preference (looks a bit ') its transmissions do not like the premier, there was recently the case with Luca Barbareschi , who for his farewell to Gianfranco Fini was rewarded with the prime time broadcast of his film (which has a stable record, the audience lowest ever recorded on Raitre) and buy a package of fiction produced by this company.
And now is the time Giuliano Ferrara, who will return as early as next month Rai with a tramissione which airs after the Tg1 20, Monday through Friday, or the space before the famous edict was occupied by Bulgarian Enzo Biagi. E think that just two months ago, interviewed by the newspaper , instead of questioning him urging him to take the field in defense of the majority, he replied: "I do not want to go back on TV, I like living. It may be that the desire I come back, but is and will be a private matter. " But then he had let himself go to the tear, "It 's my third Christmas without television." Stuff of fairy tales by Andersen .
Someone from the parts of Arcore, he must have thought well to put an end to this tragic absence, but of course the mighty reporter if he is not saddled Mediaset , but Viale Mazzini, and with a wave of unprecedented imagination has deciso che la trasmissione si chiamerà Radio Londra , lo stesso titolo usato da Ferrara ai tempi di Canale 5 e Italia 1 , prima della discesa in campo del Cavaliere. 
Ferrara è una tipica maschera della commedia all'italiana. Comunista fino agli anni ottanta, socialista fino alla caduta dell'impero craxiano, berlusconiano fin dagli inizi di Forza Italia (era il suo datore di lavoro) e poi addirittura teocon , lui che aveva fatto il sessantotto e che insieme alla moglie aveva cercato di fare una trasmissione sul sesso, censurata dopo un intervento della Dc proprio su Berlusconi. I suoi detrattori ricordano i fallimenti a catena, the unfortunate parenthesis as director of Panorama , the role played in the first government of the Knight, who died after only seven months, through his attempts election (in 1997 for a vacancy occurs in Tuscany, Mugello, against Antonio Di Peter takes a licking and ever seen, and in 2008 shows the list " Abortion? No Thanks" to the policies, resulting in the dramatic figure of 0.3% of the vote).
Even among his most bitter enemies, however, there are those who can not help but mention his great intelligence, who probably will be able to show in private, since his last public appearances have always been dedicated to free of the insult and tactics of the elevation to cover the voice actors (and, unbelievably, that the chest that is found, it also has easy game). The fact is that in a moment of great difficulty for his mentor, he decided to leave the role of Director of quiet Sheet arena to return and defend, in brief shots, the integrity of the master against the "moral ".
A man in the round, ready for new battles. Of course pays Pantalone .

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Jena Jameson Anorexic

Italian police: you keep the place for murderers and thugs, and is struck critics of Berlusconi.

I " law enforcement" in Italy can split the head and torture Youth locked up for no reason helpless inside a military base in Genoa or in the streets of Naples, can shoot like crazy cowboy along a highway and killing at random, like a dog can kill a guy just because they "gave in outburst, can come to terms with the drug traffickers to make a career and for these reasons to be sentenced in several instances. No one who is in power the center-right or center it makes no difference, never ask to be removed from the bodies they belong to. But if one of them dared to express criticism of Silvio Berlusconi , then it is struck.
E 'the incredible case of Gioacchino Genchi, experienced policeman Analysis on the phone records, a former consultant and key man Falcone dozens of investigations on organized crime, which has stuck with its investigations hundreds of mobsters, murderers, drug dealers and white-collar (such as Cuff and Dell 'Utri ).
Obviously someone had to make him pay.
And so the ineffable police chief, Antonio Manganelli (nomen omen), suspended him for the first time for having responded to Facebook a journalist called him a liar and a second time when he gave an interview about his work as a consultant, also played while he was on leave from the State Police. The third fatal Genchi suspension came because he dared to criticize Berlusconi during a demonstration of 'Italy of Values \u200b\u200b and a conference of the movement of Beppe Grillo , to which a compliant doctor had signed a prognosis of 90 days for the broken tooth the model of the Duomo in Milan wrung face Tartaglia .
Yesterday, the "first baton" has signed his dismissal for conduct "detrimental to the prestige of the organs and institutions of the state" which "has been widely dissemination in the media at the national level. "
continue to wear the uniform, however, the butchers Mexican G8 summit in Genoa, the murderers of Federico Aldrovandi, an official "Clint Eastwood" Spaccarotella (the murderess of Gabriele Sandri ), the former Police Chief Antonio De Gennaro (sentenced on appeal for having led the Quaestor of Genoa to commit perjury at the time of the G8 and now quietly at the head of the secret services) and, just to complete the work before quoting the parish, Carabinieri General Ganzer, convicted drug trafficking.
"Ah South America / dancers waiting on one leg / the last love of another rumba."

Coleman Evcon Furnace Flashes Three

How do you snap the black man famous: the Jamaican Buju Banton convicted drug in Florida. Likely 15 years.

's over evil, as often happens to the heroes of the island beautiful and tortured, the parable of Buju Banton , probably the most famous reggae singer Bob Marley and appreciated after , sentenced in Florida for another drug. A story as emblematic of the American judicial system still moves in perfect harmony slavery, when it comes to putting their backs to the wall any one ethnic minority.
Mark Myrie, the name of the musician, was completely caught by a police informer, hired a former drug trafficker, money from the goddess based on the number of dealers who manages to stop. Dude, Alexander Johnson, Buju has experienced on a flight from Madrid to Miami and has proposed the purchase of a large amount of cocaine (five pounds) with intent to sell. Once in Florida, managed to film the Jamaican taste while the drug and discusses the deal. Then, however, cocaine is bought by two other people and when the trap snaps the singer is not there. Arrested him at his house, where they found nothing, in December 2009 and held in jail until September, repeatedly denying bail.
During the first trial, the DEA agent who followed the investigation, Daniel McCaffrey , admits he does not have evidence of the guilt of the singer, despite almost a year of investigations, and that legal action in its comparisons was made only by the testimony of the informant, who would have received from the U.S. government at least $ 50,000 for having "caught" a big name. The jury can not reach a unanimous verdict and the process must be redone from scratch.
Meanwhile, Banton released from prison on bail ($ 250,000, plus an obligation to stay home and wear an electronic bracelet) and last month the courts allow him anche di fare un concerto, a Miami, al quale partecipano decina di migliaia di persone. 
Ieri, una giuria del tribunale di Tampa lo ha riconosciuto colpevole di traffico di droga e perfino di possesso illegale di armi, nonostante non gli sia stata sequestrata neanche una fionda. Ora rischia fino a 15 anni di carcere, dove è già stato nuovamente rinchiuso, mentre gli avvocati stanno tentando un difficile ricorso in appello. La sua unica speranza di evitare la galera è una possibile "deportazione" in Giamaica . Non potrà mai più mettere piede negli Usa, ma siccome gode di una notevole fama anche in Europa, sarebbe in grado di continuare la sua carriera di artista International.
Winner of several Grammy Award , years has come under fire associations that defend the rights of gay (very powerful in the U.S.) for a song dating back to 1988 when Mark Myrie was only 15 years, entitled "Boom bye bye " homophobic to the point of preaching the shooting against "batty bwoys . When converted to Rastafarianism in 1995 he published " Til Shiloh" (probably his finest album), the song seemed not to remember anyone, not even in Jamaica where people preferred to sing in the choir's "Untold Stories " a song di forte denuncia sociale.
Poi improvvisamente qualcuno ha ritirato fuori quel brano e ci ha montato sopra un caso mediatico un po' insulso, traducendo alla lettera quelle che erano solo spacconate tipiche dei giamaicani. La loro antipatia verso l'omosessualità è (purtroppo) ben nota. Lo stesso Marley, icona del fricchettonismo più spinto, la considerava immorale. Si potrebbe stare delle ore a parlare del problema, ma è riduttivo cercare sempre di interpretare tutto secondo i propri metri di giudizio. Qualcuno dovrebbe capire che è stupido farsi crescere i dreadlocks , inneggiare a Rastafari, e poi stupirsi perché una filosofia religiosa, come tutte le altre, esprime concetti irritanti per le minoranze. 
Today Jamaica Observer draws a comparison between Buju Banton and one of Jamaica's national heroes, Sir William Alexander Bustamante , founder of the first trade union activist for the rights of workers and finally heads government in the early years of independence from Britain. A very popular man among his countrymen, but for the same reasons watched with suspicion by the Americans, always eager to keep their claws well anchored on the neighborhood. The popularity, writes a columnist of the newspaper, " does not matter if the Americans even remotely think that you are guilty of a crime or decide to take revenge for the insult fatto nei confronti delle potenti associazioni dei gay. Credo che Bob Marley e Peter Tosh avessero imparato la lezione, perché non hanno mai cantato quel genere di canzoni ". 
Una bravata da cazzoni, quella commessa dal cantante, ma pagata cara per il colore della sua pelle, per una vecchia canzone e per l'antipatia che soprattutto i cittadini bianchi della Florida hanno nei confronti dei giamaicani, quei negri chiassosi, volgari e drogati.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Frozen Margarita Bucket Mix

Valerio Verbano, Fausto and Iaio, the secrets of the seventies never end. We will have one day a minister of the Interior ordered to open their archives?

Come se fossero una telenovela senza fine, i segreti degli anni di piombo tornano sulle pagine dei giornali ciclicamente, senza che al Viminale ci sia mai qualcuno, a prescindere dall'orientamento politico, che sia disposto ad aprire quei maledetti archivi. Stavolta tocca a due casi quasi contemporaneamente, quello di Valerio Verbano , militante romano della sinistra extraparlamentare ucciso dentro casa sua il 22 febbraio del 1980 e quello di Fausto Tinelli e Lorenzo "Iaio" Iannucci due diciottenni che frequentavano il Centro Sociale Leoncavallo , uccisi a Milano il 18 marzo 1978, due giorni dopo il rapimento di Aldo Moro . 
I colpevoli non furono mai trovati e nei confronti delle vittime si scatenò anche una campagna diffamatoria (In the first case there were those who said that word was struck by his own comrades because he was a spy, while Fausto Iaio and there was talk of a settling of scores between drug dealers). More than thirty years after the two episodes, the story is enriched with new details.
for the murder of the young Roman, murdered at home by three people who were waiting at the gate after having bound and gagged the gentiori the Attorney is investigating two suspected members to Nar , right-wing terrorist organization often connected to the Italian and American secret services and even Banda Magliana . One of them has long since fled abroad, while the other has remade a life in Italy and is an unexpected professional.
Shadow services diversion also extends into the case of two boys in Milan. Fausto's mother, Danila Angels, in an interview with Radio 24 , raised the allegations. " My son was the victim of a killer commando arrived from Rome to Milan, at the height of the kidnapping of Aldo Moro, in a city reinforced by police. A contract killing of secret service men. The state apparatus had rented an apartment on the third floor of my building, in via Monte Nevoso 9, right in front of residence in the apartment belonging to the Red Brigades, responsible for the abduction Moor, where they were found the memorials of the President of the Christian Democrat , "said the woman, providing precise information .
Yet surely the truth is written somewhere in those archives covered by an absurd secret State and kept in the rooms of the interior ministry mephitic. After the end of the first Republic in the chair of Minister of the Interior took turns political sign political opposite, by Nicola Mancino to Roberto Maroni, through Enzo Bianco, Claudio Scajola (I wonder if he had been appointed without his knowledge there as well), Giuseppe Pisanu and Giuliano Amato , not to mention Giorgio Napolitano, who first announced the magistrates to send some folders, but then left them be confidential, obviously including those relating to the process Moro. Not only that, by the Minister 'Inside the current President of the Republic became the head slip under the noses of the P2 Masonic Lodge, Licio Gelli , escaped abroad (after having escaped from prison in 1983) April 28, 1998, the day of the disclosure the final sentence of conviction for murder and screening by the Supreme Court.
the epitome, the Communists.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Reply Letter For Interview

History of Gaddafi, the butcher friend of friends.

Let's face it. Libyans bombed by the poor only because they gather in the square do not care much. What makes your legs shake the government is above all the assumptions that may flow back to our shores thousands of people fleeing and the possibility that gas supplies suffer a major blow by lethal consequences. Everyone is suddenly faced with the madness of having argued for years as a madman Muammar Gaddafi, the histrionic despot who has been able to gradually convince the United States, Italy and the European Union to leave in the saddle.
came to power in 1969 with a bloodless coup, the "Guardian of the Revolution" ruled for 40 years doing the slalom between the useless stakes imposed by the international community and convincing like a barker square governments of different colors and orientation, who preferred to leave rather than erase it from history where it was when it would be easy and possible.
His relations with the neighboring Italy bordering on schizophrenia. In the early years of dictatorship, Gaddafi drives off in a bad way the Italians who lived in Libya since the days of the colony, but in 1972 Tripoli gives rise to a joint enterprise with the ' Eni and the Italians are not limited to providing only petrochemical technology, but also one of our products for which we are famous in the world, weapons. Four years later, with a resounding coup de theater, Gaddafi arrives to save the Fiat, buying 10% of the group's shares at a time of crisis black. In 1978, that is only nine years by the rise to power of the leader, the Italian community in Libya has already been reconstituted and has beautiful in at least 16 000 people. That year, the then Prime Minister, Giulio Andreotti , goes to visit Tripoli to sign the new friendly relations.
But the man of the desert farther and look in his delusion of wanting to be a sort of Third Way Arabic to capitalism and communism, is aligned with Moscow, happy to give him a lot 'of weapons. There and then the U.S. reagiscoono, in part because the White House is a modest Gerry Ford, who succeeded Nixon resigned and then defeated in the presidential Jimmy Carter. With the Democrats in power, tensions with the Americans begin to deteriorate in July 1980 and is the tragedy of Ustica, with the most reliable in circulation that the plane Itavia suggests a reduction by NATO fighters who were trying to hit a plane on which he was traveling just the Libyan leader.
With the arrival of Ronald Reagan, eager to prove his reputation as a cowboy and a strong man, Gaddafi ends up in the viewfinder also officially and Italy between two fires. On 15 April 1986 the Americans carpet-bombed Libya (45 planes in 12 minutes disengaged 232 bombs and 48 missiles) trying to eliminate the rais, but still remains in the operation killed one of his daughters, Gaddafi is saved thanks to Bettino Craxi, then prime minister, who warns of the danger. The rais forces to divert suspicion, launched two Scud missiles against Lampedusa, which fortunately has a low range and into the sea.
After another crisis in 1988, after the horrendous Lockerbie bombing , the worst terrorist act in history before September 11 of 2001 attributed to Libya by the UN, begins the incredible reverse. Gaddafi spring Islamism and the now dissolved Soviet bloc and Western approaches to the positions slowly, by purchasing credit so difficult to explain: In 1999 the UN lifted the ban in 2006 and President George W. Bush removes Libya from its list of "rogue states".
Harmless, with their claws removed, and an old man, Gaddafi continues to play a parody of himself, surrounded by virgin Amazonian armed by a court of women all ' nothing but virgins. After Beelzebub pluripregiudicato Andreotti and Craxi, who could make friends with a guy like that? Of course, with Silvio Berlusconi , who teaches Bunga-bunga and with whom to do business, apparently of gold.
Now, in time of crisis, the Italian companies feel the noose tighten around his neck. The money paid to the regime are gone and anticipated contracts which should have enjoyed our company are in serious danger. Not to mention the pipeline through which we Libya supplies of natural gas is completely closed last night. Only
December 23 last year, Berlusconi had the courage to declare to be "bound by true friendship with President Mubarak of Egypt, the Libyan President Gaddafi and President Ben Ali of Tunisia '', demonstrating that the satrap of the problem is the lack of Arcore moral sense that led him to attend a platoon of prostitutes including minors, but his complete inability to be a statesman.

Double Cone Blender Dimensions

Where does the Democratic Party? Few rational voices and many strategists of the disaster, but the numbers speak for themselves.

Now it tells Renato Mannheimer, who although in his youth he played for a Maoist group called "Serve the people," now is the pollster of choice for Bruno Vespa , advises the Minister from football easy Ignazio La Russa and certainly did not go to a supporter of the center.
Since its last survey presented yesterday at Porta a Porta shows that if we voted today in a coalition of leftist parties (including Di Pietro ) should be guided by Bersani 36% of the vote, Berlusconi to 29% and the third pole with leader Casini 15%. If a drive former allies of the Knights were instead Fini, the center would have 39% and the center only 30%. " is the first time in months that the center proves to have the opportunity ," Mannheimer said.
Pd The word can have victory in his pocket. Bersani, to include Vendola the grid would need to challenge him openly in the primaries, no ifs, ands or buts. Given that not is the last of fools, that a certain appeal to the people and it can boast that the party would be eligible for the machine, the game the home team. But at the caravanserai, which has become the monster invented and undermined by Veltroni, the majority of the items appears to be driving somewhere else. Some people keep talking about alliances with Casini, even with Fini (which belies a bit 'disgusted), someone mentioned the possibility of foreign pope proposing the governor of the Bank of Italy turn, while leaving all of stucco Bersani going around saying that the League is not a racist party, and there are those among the general laughter in the Democratic Party Imagine being able to support someone like Roberto Maroni .
basically a horror film.
Few rational entries, among which I like to point out that the mayor of Bari Michele Emiliano , who, in a 'Fact Daily interview, says bluntly that there "needs a coalition winning, to keep together and also of Peter Vendola ", avoiding" a break with the so-called radical left for a simple reason: it would damage both to us that they . So far, you say, we are the egg of Columbus. But then came the hits that make you think, like, in the group manager " there is one major limitation: it is still in force on the post-communist model in which a limited group of stakeholders builds a special relationship with the secretary and close to other . And finally, the simple and sacred truth: "We must not fear the primaries, we who are the largest party. We decide to call the people of the center, provided Nichi accept the pact that whoever comes second game with the team .

Monday, February 21, 2011

Bottomless Inkjet Printer

Rome, the long arm of Opus Dei in the scandal of Parentopoli.

What to power us are Wa (l) b Veltroni or Gianni Alemanno not matter. The long arm of 'Opus Dei on public affairs in Rome proves more than ever present and active. The magistrates who are involved in the recruitment scandal to 'Love , the company that manages (very high price and bad for the citizens) the collection of waste in the capital, have entered on the register of suspects five people: the managing director Franco Panzironi , Gianfrancesco Regard , former legal director of Ama, Luciano Cedrone, personnel manager, Ivano Spadoni, a former executive Love and Sergio Bruno , President of the Consorzio Elis , company staff training and interim property of Opus Dei. In June 2009, was entrusted with the recruitment of 544 persons (200 drivers, 324 operators and 20 ecological gravediggers), performed with methods that investigators found to be wholly arbitrary. The Consortium defends itself saying that it played only the selection and training tasks, but they seem substantiated the many links with the likes of the company that shows the names of John FISCON (operations director) and Cedrone (one suspects) both honorary members of Elis. But the first appointments by the City of Rome, one of the many depictions of the sect founded by Escriva de Balaguer , the "saint" who supported the Franco dictatorship, date back to 2005, when his companion sat in the Capitol Nutella.
The latest demonstration of the incredible penetration into civil society of this fake religious order who has always marched alongside the most shameful political figures (as well as Franco said, is known their opposition to Liberation Theology in South America and their shameful support for the South American dictatorships, all in the name of anti-operetta of Pope Wojtyla ) and promoted every aspect of Catholic doctrine and conservative vulgar in stark contrast to the timid though openings Council Vaticano II .