Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Is Herpes Bad For Pcos

least five to six

DOMENICA comprate TERRA e passate da queste parti, Fatelo per Gesù.

La discesa in campo 2
( Prefe per Bile del 14 novembre 2010)

E’ il febbraio 2011, elections are at the gate;
the marketing department of the PDL, the PDL also said he decided to hold primaries, knowing that to give their voters a choice between Berlusconi and "another" is like asking if Califano prefer the pussy or mysterious envelope. After specifying that does not contain cocaine.
What the hawks do not expect is that the proposed plebiscite can be transformed in the triumph of the new, the fugitive came from nothing: it is the young Toto Barone, called 'in and out', new face that can dazzle the electorate blue, now unhappy with the slow pace of a subversive plan on paper so promising. Toto, pluriergastolano shaved, the terror of all imeni of the peninsula (a sort of Fabrizio Corona without his intellectual honesty), descends into the field to two weeks before the vote with a speech of great appeal, that attracts and wins the disappointed crowd. Here are some salient passages:
"Italy is the country that I hate. I have my processes, my twelve illegitimate children and two wives in a freezer in the cellar and an infinite number of persons to whom I must still make your ass for various reasons. Here I learned from my lawyers and the life, my craft murderous thief. Here I learned the passion for freedom. Every time I escaped from jail.
I chose to take the field and destroy it public because I do not want to live in a liberal country, ruled by amateurs of the crime and men intertwined to a past that bears the hateful seed of democracy [...]
The old Italian political class was overwhelmed by the revelations of frail age which would be enough to cut the tongue at the end of fellatio; hampered by the magistrates, this is the last straw, I'm not going to lower the specific weight of any columns of reinforced concrete, crushed by futile discussions repeated each week in squalid television programs, to whom we sent a lawyer instead of the engineer Ghedini P38.
Non è questo il paese che sogno, non è questo il paese che sognate, e spero che potremo cambiarlo tutti assieme: voi, io, il mio buon cuore e le vostre figlie.

“Ah, già, dimenticavo: abolirò l’ICI.”


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