Tuesday, November 9, 2010

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Youporn, the Oracle

Text by Peter Wanderer illustration of Tonus

( extracted from 3D November 7, 2010)

Everything back. There is something morbid that holds the ranks of these mid-term elections in America. Let's start from the recent past, the triumph of Obama for president in 2008. That historic victory has gone down in history for various reasons (the post-Bush & Cheney, the redemption of the liberal and so on.) But also for the skin color of the Elect. Brown, like that of black slaves of yesterday never far enough, like that of Martin Luther King and his dream, like that of Valentino. The victorious Obama However, given his consent in two years crumble under the grip of crisis and reform of the much disputed. The symbol of the anti-dissent, Barack? Sarah Palin from Alaska, a handsome woman with a few ideas but with the charm of women in middle age who disdain the sybian. A milf, if we wanted to tag them in porn that is our life. Studying the data Google Analytics, you notice how the tag black dominate the Web two years ago, a prelude to the victory of Obama. In recent months, however, we witnessed the resurgence of tag milf, cross and delight of every geek with sweaty hands. Everything comes back, or, to quote the Scriptures, everything is already written. To the presidency in 2012, forget Glenn Beck MSNBC and the group of pollsters with coins. Sift the web, phone calls to that friend wanker middle school, ask him some tips, browse the sexual perversions of the citizens. You will know the winner before Drudge Report - and you'll know what's true.

A Prophecy for 2012? Will greatly midjet tag. Too bad that Gary Coleman has left us.


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