Monday, November 29, 2010

Labeled Electromagnetic Motor

ACR Fund - Vsita Park with members of Cave Woods vice president ... Oscar

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Beautiful Digital Frames

Int Artists Against Bullying 22nd edition c / o Youth ... Oscar

Why Is The Number 12 Used On The Alabama Helmet

Int Artists Against Bullying 22nd edition c / o Youth ...

Saturday, November 20, 2010



DOWNLOAD BILE has a new website
Click 's picture up here.

Hurt Wrist From Hittingheavy Bag


tomorrow, Sunday, November 21
Part of the new site with BILE :
17 pages of comics for free download on the wonderful adventures of LINO GIUSTAZZI and other stuff worth mentioning

instead for the printed pages
On EARTH (daily greens) two pages of satire.

to all readers of the daily show
exceptionally, just for tomorrow, Sunday, November 21, the newspaper Done released within EARTH
run in your newsagent and book your copy

spread the NOTE on facebook

Sincerely in faith

Sabrina Misseri

Friday, November 19, 2010

White Spot On Lcd Screen


Sunday 21 and go buy land in these parts, it is your health mental.
Due comic LINO GIUSTAZZI, full pages from a collection on Earth and other robbaccia

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Behind The Green Door Movie Clip

minus two minus three minus four

( Ste Among for Bile & 14 November 2010)

- 3 ...

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Acrylic Nails And Mystic Tans


Sunday 21 and go buy land in these parts, it is a question of your mental health.

Just a Family Affair
( MelissaP2 Bile for the November 14, 2010)

National Conference on the Family. Silvio was not there at the end: the nephew of Obama's paternal cousin needed help. In its place the mild Giovanardi.
Adoro interventions Giovanardi. I'm so behind the times. Gone.
Party with figures on birth rates and compares them to those of 1972. In the meantime nothing has happened on the social and individual. At least for him.
argues that without law there would be 40 on fertilization " a veritable Wild West of the tube . "And now I guess sperm donors to challenge them in the sun at its zenith in those fires if the quickest way to decide who will earn quell'ovulo need. Not to mention the bounty killer 'uterus. But remember Giovanardi was against drugs. (here is a slogan that would work against drugs, "Giovanardi. Do you really want to be like him?")
The top is with language when talking about cost-thin "purchase factors reproduction ", a passage whose summary is:" Want to be a parent? So why have you lost time to be sterile or gay-o-diotipunisca both?! .
Fortunatamente dopo il moderato Giovanardi arriva Sacconi: " I sostegni devono essere previsti soltanto per la famiglia naturale, fondata sul matrimonio, ed orientata alla procreazione ". Wow.
Ricapitoliamo: " Non vi piace la buca rosa? Vi piace ma non siete sposati? Peccato. Però avete il nostro rispetto. Cioé non è proprio nostro: è un fondo europeo ".
Quando tenta di correggere il tiro, le critiche vengon giù ormai da ogni dove con la stessa facilità di un bene culturale a Pompei. Non lo salverà neanche un triste: " Ich bin kein Nazi ".
La soluzione alla scarsa natalità? Purtroppo la sfida a distanza tra Napolitano e Tettamanzi su chi avesse la banalità più grossa, mi ha distratto. (ha vinto Napolitano).
Credo ci sia stato il lancio di un nuovo reality, 'Fattore Famiglia': tu li voti e loro decidono chi eliminare dagli sgravi. E' davvero più forte di questo governo quando c'è di mezzo l'invogliare un utero, il riuscire a pensare al di là dei soldi. Una trovata che tra l'altro risale al ventennio. Un ventennio che non meritano di ereditare. Perché se solo fossero capaci di aprire le loro menti accettando l'idea della procreazione assistita, basterebbe ad esempio una "Giornata del Seme" in cui raccogliere l'italica virilità. Servirebbe solo dare lo slancio emotivo come fece la Regina d'Italia nel Campidoglio consegnando la sua fede nuziale: un Silvio sorridente con il suo contenitore di sperma.
O anche solo un vasetto se Ruby ha altri impegni.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Is Herpes Bad For Pcos

least five to six

DOMENICA comprate TERRA e passate da queste parti, Fatelo per Gesù.

La discesa in campo 2
( Prefe per Bile del 14 novembre 2010)

E’ il febbraio 2011, elections are at the gate;
the marketing department of the PDL, the PDL also said he decided to hold primaries, knowing that to give their voters a choice between Berlusconi and "another" is like asking if Califano prefer the pussy or mysterious envelope. After specifying that does not contain cocaine.
What the hawks do not expect is that the proposed plebiscite can be transformed in the triumph of the new, the fugitive came from nothing: it is the young Toto Barone, called 'in and out', new face that can dazzle the electorate blue, now unhappy with the slow pace of a subversive plan on paper so promising. Toto, pluriergastolano shaved, the terror of all imeni of the peninsula (a sort of Fabrizio Corona without his intellectual honesty), descends into the field to two weeks before the vote with a speech of great appeal, that attracts and wins the disappointed crowd. Here are some salient passages:
"Italy is the country that I hate. I have my processes, my twelve illegitimate children and two wives in a freezer in the cellar and an infinite number of persons to whom I must still make your ass for various reasons. Here I learned from my lawyers and the life, my craft murderous thief. Here I learned the passion for freedom. Every time I escaped from jail.
I chose to take the field and destroy it public because I do not want to live in a liberal country, ruled by amateurs of the crime and men intertwined to a past that bears the hateful seed of democracy [...]
The old Italian political class was overwhelmed by the revelations of frail age which would be enough to cut the tongue at the end of fellatio; hampered by the magistrates, this is the last straw, I'm not going to lower the specific weight of any columns of reinforced concrete, crushed by futile discussions repeated each week in squalid television programs, to whom we sent a lawyer instead of the engineer Ghedini P38.
Non è questo il paese che sogno, non è questo il paese che sognate, e spero che potremo cambiarlo tutti assieme: voi, io, il mio buon cuore e le vostre figlie.

“Ah, già, dimenticavo: abolirò l’ICI.”

Monday, November 15, 2010

Plan B Urinate Constantly

- 6

Vignette four hands and jerking off a piece. Only on BILE , insert Celtic. Robe that the crime, by comparison, seems to insert a satire.
Earth Every Sunday, the newspaper unconscious. The next issue buy it. You will not regret.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Yummi Land: Veronica Vanilla Almond

least seven

7 days ...

Meanwhile ... zozzerie last Bile, the insert published in the daily 3Dnews Earth.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Sand Rail Engine Adapters

Bile tomorrow on the Earth This Saturday 14/11/2010

For problems that currently escape us, we realized that we are not on the newsstands today. So for those who want paper the appointment was postponed to tomorrow, 14 on Sunday newspaper EARTH

Meanwhile, for the faithful and for tirchiazzi, this is the fruit of our loins in pdf format:


If you like reading the newspaper of the Greens, overwhelmed with praise for pages bilose the editors of the newspaper. Alternatively, a panda kidnapped and sent a threatening letter with pictures of the animal in chains, holding a copy of the deed.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

What Is Diffuse Erythematous Gastritis

buy land. 2 pages for you free of Bile. Sciuponerie.

you: Buongiorno I would like a copy of Earth.
newsagent: Why?
V: Why do I feel the armpit too free and I can not walk without putting a newspaper.
E: ??
V: was a joke.
E: Do not laugh.
V: right. I forgot the fake laughter in the background.

buy land. Free for you 2 pages of Bile. In addition, the proceeds going to charity to help refugees of the PDL

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Free Pokemon Games Ruby

Youporn, the Oracle

Text by Peter Wanderer illustration of Tonus

( extracted from 3D November 7, 2010)

Everything back. There is something morbid that holds the ranks of these mid-term elections in America. Let's start from the recent past, the triumph of Obama for president in 2008. That historic victory has gone down in history for various reasons (the post-Bush & Cheney, the redemption of the liberal and so on.) But also for the skin color of the Elect. Brown, like that of black slaves of yesterday never far enough, like that of Martin Luther King and his dream, like that of Valentino. The victorious Obama However, given his consent in two years crumble under the grip of crisis and reform of the much disputed. The symbol of the anti-dissent, Barack? Sarah Palin from Alaska, a handsome woman with a few ideas but with the charm of women in middle age who disdain the sybian. A milf, if we wanted to tag them in porn that is our life. Studying the data Google Analytics, you notice how the tag black dominate the Web two years ago, a prelude to the victory of Obama. In recent months, however, we witnessed the resurgence of tag milf, cross and delight of every geek with sweaty hands. Everything comes back, or, to quote the Scriptures, everything is already written. To the presidency in 2012, forget Glenn Beck MSNBC and the group of pollsters with coins. Sift the web, phone calls to that friend wanker middle school, ask him some tips, browse the sexual perversions of the citizens. You will know the winner before Drudge Report - and you'll know what's true.

A Prophecy for 2012? Will greatly midjet tag. Too bad that Gary Coleman has left us.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Angela Pitts Myammee Tits

Bile on Tierra del 07/11/2010

Here as promised our two treacherous exit pages on 3D, the insert of the daily Earth!


If you like reading the newspaper of the Greens, overwhelmed with praise for pages bilose the editors of the newspaper. Alternatively, a panda kidnapped and sent a threatening letter with pictures of the animal in chains, holding a copy of the deed.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Skins Be Forum Denise Milani

See you tomorrow on the newsstands with EARTH!

The appointment with 3D and pages of satire of the bile is not for today but for tomorrow at newsstands with Earth! daily ecology.

Do not ask why.

Meanwhile, a small preview ...

Friday, November 5, 2010

Any Such Thing As A Portable Cd Recorder

The 10 acquaintances raunchy still missing Berlusconi

Since the last number di 3D, l'inserto di TERRA! il quotidiano ecologista che organizza i Bunga Bunga per i Panda.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Can Skoal Cause Stomach Cancer

Fear, Delirium And Tea Party

Testo di Blicero , illustrazione di Tonus

(Extracted from the 3D October 30, 2010)

If the American public debate was a big, huge megaphone (as he imagined the satirist George Saunders) has two knobs, one that regulates' Intelligence and the other the volume, the second would no doubt set to Quell all the others and the first would be tampered with or useless.

With midterm elections just around the corner, Barack Obama seems trapped in a bubble sort of politics, outside and above the fray, respected but not admired. The president who introduced himself as the man hop & change has sunk into the quagmire of realpolitik Washingtonian, seemingly unable to revitalize the community that had strong affinities heated noble instincts American public opinion, now very disappointed and scared. The year 2008 had given us the stunning news of Obama, the 2009 and 2010, we have instead taken by the collar, slapped and made to assist the explosion of the Tea Party, the real stars of this election, a lunatic fringe within the Republican Party that occurs on November 2 with as many as 138 candidates, 129 in the House and nine in the Senate.

The movement, if you can call it, takes its name from the revolt of the settlers who in 1773 threw into Boston Harbor to protest some boxes of tea against the taxes imposed by the British government. The episode is considered the beginning of the American Revolution, and in fact the Tea Party firmly believe to be the emanation of the highest and true revolutionary spirit, a spirit which at first glance may appear grassroots, grassroots, arose spontaneously among citizens angry over a war in Afghanistan increasingly out of control, the government bailouts of the vampires on Wall Street, the measures for economic recovery and, above all, health care reform. But in reality, the Tea Party have very little genuine.

Let's step back. On February 19, 2009 Rick Santelli, a host of low-grade issuer CNBC, throws in a violent attack directed the administration to Obama's announcement of the economic stimulus package: "The government is encouraging bad behavior! We really have to pay the debts of the bankrupt?! This is America! We are planning to do a Tea Party in Chicago in July and I can begin to organize things, if all you capitalists want to come to Lake Michigan. " Soon will open sites, Facebook pages and groups, organized rallies, protests and demonstrations around the country under the name "Tea Party".

Journalists Mark Ames and Yasha Levine's "The Exile" were the first to discover (and then shamelessly plagiati dai big media) che tutto ciò non era che una complicata e sofisticata operazione di pubbliche relazioni ideata da spin-doctor e oligarchi repubblicani (su tutti la famiglia Koch, proprietaria della più grande azienda privata americana) alle prese sia con la rovinosa caduta della dottrina neocon che con delle proposte governative che avrebbero potuto seriamente mettere in pericolo i loro preziosi e ramificati interessi economici. E in tempi di crisi post-imperiale i magnati che continuano ad arricchirsi alle spalle di una società allo stremo non sono esattamente degli eroi popolari, a meno che non si usino le persone a cui si sta succhiando il sangue per farle radunare “spontaneamente” e lottare per diritti e pretese che non sono loro.

The technique is old and tested, as demonstrated in this paper a manual slave of the 19th century: A master
would bother to show his slaves that progress in achieving their individual interests is both their personal progress . Once convinced of this, only just a little nudge to make them behave as he wants.

The real problem of the Tea Party and their most prominent leaders such as Sarah Palin (resuscitated after the setback with McCain in 2008), Paul Rand and Christine O'Donnell is that all the speeches, statements and their delusions to several decibels - amplified even more the right-hand drum of Fox News and other house organs compared to which free, and the Journal are moderate - can channel the righteous indignation of the people in a mixture of reactionary populism and oligarchy, he fucks largely industrial values \u200b\u200bof the Founding Fathers of the Constitution and, ultimately, America. Karl Rove said that the incessant anti-government message could lead more people to the polls and therefore the Republicans to win. Maybe.

The fact remains that in this midterm election of the Tea Party are like the movie Alien facehugger: small and disgusting alien bodies with their eight tentacles attached to the face of politics U.S. ready to penetrate her mouth with their reproductive organs and to deposit the embryos - offspring irrational without concrete and sensible proposals designed to infect the body of a nation, to seize up permanently with the presidential election of 2012.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Fungal Taking Time Respond To Antifungal

We are giving a hand in the fertile pandas

As we have already said, we are working with several weeks' 3D insert inside the newspaper ecologist "Earth" .

Every Saturday, you can pretend to be emulating Licia Colo and ask the newspaper of the Greens to your newsagent to trust. The polar bears will thank you.

A bit 'made up of filth now:
(click on date to download the pdf)





