Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Itchy Rash After Waxing

Italy urges EU to transpose rules against homophobia

The European Commission wrote a letter to Italy, Latvia and Finalandia regretting the failure to transpose directives against discrimination for sexual orientation. Said on Tuesday in Brussels on MEP Marco Cappato who had submitted a question on the failure to transpose Directive 2000/78/EC against discrimination for sexual orientation.
The European Commission announced today that it has sent to the three Member States "letters of formal notice posters about problems related to the full implementation of the provisions prohibiting discrimination based on sexual orientation," Cappato said.
"is expected in the coming months the Commission will take further decision in respect of infringement cases," he added.

The subject is topical in Italy after the Democratic Party Senator Paola Binetti, teodem area, denied their vote of confidence in the government decree on security last week to protest against the law on gender equality introduced by a amendment of the radical left


ArciGay: "Do not vote more than this majority "- December 11, 2007

" Let me be clear right now that will not forget, at the next election, who in a few days deemed to cancel the anti-discrimination rules contained in the security decree. If, as I said Benigni, this majority has vinto grazie al voto di 24 mila coglioni gay, assicuriamo da oggi che molti e molti di più di costoro non si faranno più gabbare». Con queste parole Aurelio Mancuso, presidente nazionale dell’ArciGay, apre un comunicato durissimo contro l’attuale maggioranza, dopo le prese di posizione in Senato delle componenti cattoliche, a volte apertamente omofobe – viene citato il caso della senatrice Paola Binetti dell’Ulivo. L’ArciGay ricorda con preoccupazione che l’Italia sta diventando un paese dove è difficile vivere per le persone glbtq. E Mancuso sottolinea che questi temi, che incidono sulla vita concreta delle persone, vengono trattati dai politici «con disprezzo intriso d’oggettiva ignoranza e pregiudizio».


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