Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Bob Marley Nail Design

Conflicts between genders and / or generations? Acting

I must say that when I read the article by Luke I had two impressions: the first confirmation that a blog with him to ask ourselves is essential to shorten the paper and go to the response speed of a text message.
And the second that when you are thinking out loud you want to talk, as a major "brain storming" invite the whole community in virtual reality (virtual reality so that it is not) to a path of shared public space thing that a newspaper can not do.

I say this because today more than ever the idea of \u200b\u200bcrossing the many communities on the net "trying to tell them not to forget (as it says in fine luca His piece) "of a generation that was born for the first time with a precarious existence as a condition for starting and then not to be identified more with their work or their community as the twentieth century tells us that melts but its essence, their passions in the thousands of tunnels that offers the Web tells us something new.
The search for identity that is no longer building, research, but a hastily consumed continuously. Luke says they lived from day to day I'll add one lives hanging in there waiting for something that shakes a momentary tear, rupture, shock.
As a fast-food relations in which gestures, actions, movements are deprived of a collective sense change and therefore wishes to be followed by a transgression to be consumed.

A disintegration of the emotions and desires that turn bodies into objects and relations and affections as a waste of time because out of a logic of production "and you give me something in return?".

Without a particular view of the world, without a value of differences but a search of the morbidity and sharing that animal becomes (see bullying or night patrols hunting for Migrants) and all within the logic of the friend- enemy together generations no longer points of view confront each other, mingle and maybe turn it becomes totally different.

Why is not often that our own peers do not make a political path of liberation and affirmation of the self but rather a sort of therapy? How to say I'm wrong, I feel so unsatisfied I attend my collective / club to be less bad. Becoming a public vomitatoio type circle of Alcoholics Anonymous and instead just very frequent in our party. And it is typical that a double clash between generations and genres. Today we risk a normalization of politics with respect to the shock of recent years, a return to business professionals and militonti (which no longer exist or almost) and then to those who can afford to do politics. Above all, a total breakdown and then a real collision with a policy Asexual that expels women and LGBT movement and the younger generation (defined as having different practices) from the official policy.

often assume the guise of neuroticism and loneliness trying to crush each other. Pain and alienation that produce destruction and self-destruction as a sign of life. Of there and then you delete an affirmation of their identity.

The anti-globalization movement took it all in, especially that left a large and widespread that it no longer as strong as pre-established identity in the twentieth century but choose to pass through the spaces. Activism and militancy characterized the last years in Italy.
means having as many cards in your pocket or not but especially as a feature in common to have several different places to attend, but common goals. Traditionalists will be bad for the comparison but the thousands of possibilities to live on the web (now often a student procession if it works or if you see him on MSN all the boys and girls in the days before they speak to each other in chat means that the thing is running) means more or less explore the places where to meet for socializing and learning. The boom of the blog tells us in summary (to return to what Luke says) that they can tell the world to declare your existence, as once the boys met at the "wall" of their neighborhood today, "aims to peck" us if it gives the on-line. And as more
distinguish between public and private? Good question. And above all this in the body that is the end?

As Luke says if you do not change the spaces when and how the current organizational forms of politics the only thing we can do and recompose (perhaps) the political generations who have gone before ejecting done everything now revolves around to us and should instead be the starting point for the construction of a new left.

Daniel Licheri

Monday, December 17, 2007

Bluetooth Using My Phone As Mic

generational conflict from the left, in society, Left Unconscious

has opened a conflict between generations acted, perhaps for the first time since the previous generation to the next. This past week the letters addressed al IlVenerdì: un padre accusa una figlia, non sua, di “aver avuto troppo”. Qualche settimana fa Panorama usava l’intera copertina per accusare la “Generazione degenerata”, quella dei ventenni, descritti come alcolizzati, dediti a rapporti sessuali frugali e di gruppo, drogati, psicolabili, writers (usato come sinonimo di Pericolosi Devastatori) e se qualcuno vuole aggiungere: prego. All’elenco aggiungerei i vari Porta a Porta sul “caso Garlasco” di turno, in cui i protagonisti siedono rigorosamente nel pubblico. Si rivolge loro qualche domanda, mai che possano esprimere pensieri articolati. L’amnesia del conduttore rispetto alle vicende del figlio non è fatto secondario. Così For an entire generation, you can use the adjective of: degenerate, and at the same time say, "clearly except my son and my grandchildren." The mechanism, I will walk the similarity of forced migrants is used for "all criminals! except my caretaker. " In order to dispel ambiguity tell right away that I do not speak of the riverbed of the policy in which the clash between generations, his spokesman Enrico Letta. Certainly not lacking even among those in politics, especially on the left, but it is a reflection of a communication gap between generations through the company as of subcutaneous fevers.
sure is that my generation, like society, a generation is dissolved, broken or as he said Niki Vendola with a "comminuted fracture". He lives a fast communication on the screen of a cell or between the beats of a chat. We live for the incorporation of the reports lived through much of the media. We lose the perception of the consequences of our body in contact with the degl'altri and while we film it all with the webcam. Perhaps it is the need to recognize ourselves, find ourselves. Stop, shoot, capture parts of ourselves in time. This is true not only for the brutality with which the newspapers talk but also for the thousands of movies, which are overwhelmingly traceable on YouTube. We need to tell us not to lose ourselves, for this reason we live streams of consciousness on the blog. This is the generation poised permanently marked by an insecurity that becomes the "living hand to mouth." Where you lose the perception of continuity of time. Understood not only as the precariousness of work, but that has become synonymous with haste and timeliness. We precarious identity is constantly being redefined. We are the generation in which the identity of each lost points of reference data once and for all. It is a quest for identity that never ends.
We're now in the left that seeks to reconstruct a complex and collective identity. On the left is united today we have the ambition to ricostruire le sinapsi nella frantumazione della società altrimenti l’unità è confinata solo tra chi fa politica nei partiti, ad oggi, solo una minoranza. Ho vissuto sia gli “Stati Generali” di Milano sia l’Assemblea della sinistra sentendomi testimone, insieme a pochi altri, di una generazione politica che qualche tempo fa animava il movimento pacifista e contro la globalizzazione e che oggi sta sui territori a riappropriarsi di pezzi della propria esistenza. Credo, che dovremmo tornare ad agire noi, da sinistra, il conflitto generazionale. Pena: lasciarlo alla destra. Basta dare un’occhiata ai siti web dei movimenti studenteschi neofascisti in cui lo scontro con la generazione precedente viene piegato a scontro con la generazione del Sessantotto-Settantasette, ovvero: nuova generazione contro generazione dei “professori comunisti”. Penso al conflitto generazionale inteso come: riconoscimento di una differenza portatrice di uno sguardo sul mondo, una lettura delle cose che accadono differente solamente perché è quella di chi oggi vive nel presente la sua storia. Conflitto generazionale come “agire la differenza”, insieme ad altre differenze, per scongiurare la Sinistra come soggetto neutro senza sessualità e senza età.

Luca Stanzione

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Names Of South Park Tv Show

telescopage.Ma group and there is still a psychoanalyst?

Di alcuni giorni fa un convegno a Roma della Società italiana di psichiatria su "generi e generazioni"
Intervista alla psicoanalista Manuela Fraire. Un punto sull'elaborazione freudiana, sulla maternità e sulle nuove paternità di Roberta Ronconi

Inconsci di genere, psichismi generazionali, telescopage. Nei giorni scorsi, la Società italiana di psichiatria ha dedicato due giorni di riflessioni al tema "Generi e generazioni. Ordine e disordine delle identificazioni" (Roma, 1 e 2 dicembre). Termini complessi e linguaggi spesso sinuosi e oscuri, per dire cose che invece ci riguardano da vicino. Perché quando si parla di generi e di diversità, si dice di me donna, di te uomo, di lui gay, di lei lesbo, di noi queer e di tutto quello che chiunque altro può declinare nel mezzo. E quando si parla di generazioni si parla di tempo, di ciò che pesa sulle Our top of the past, what will weigh on the shoulders of the next to come, our present experience.

Psychoanalysis does not speak well, not always, not yet, not all. But there are those, even in the meshes of officialdom Freudian theory, he knows a few knots and loose approach to communication, the real one, the one made to say and understand. It 's the case of Manuel Fraire, Freudian psychoanalyst for over thirty years, always taking part in the thinking and practice of the feminist movement, the conference that Roman has contributed a report on fatherhood and motherhood, as well as biological dependency. It seems an academic theme and instead talk about the future, the only possible and desirable. One in which families will explode to give life to other types of organizations and socio-emotional ties.

But let's start from the issues announced by the conference. From these generations and their links, then that picture is in a complex way to ask the question today is the most popular: who are these young people that we are born, where they are going, they want to believe? Psychoanalysis is able to provide answers on this?
Yes, these days you hear a lot about young people and the difficulty of interpreting them. He speaks as if they were indistinguishable from one jam, in a generalization, in my opinion foolish. Generalization that psychoanalysis has ever done in constant need to mark the difference between fathers, mothers and children. E 'Freud's intuition that the preceding generation can not, by virtue of the experience that has possession of the generation that follows. As the generation that follows can not in any way clear the road from which it comes. And the latest acquisition analytics also tell us that present generations can be influenced even by what past generations have removed and relegated to the unconscious.

course, this size group psychotherapy seems to clash with the individual structure of the unconscious. How the two dimensions come together?
Meanwhile, remember that the size of the plural subject is analyzed Freud even since the days of "Psychology and the Analysis of the Ego." And even at this conference in Rome, one of the main reports to the center of the discussion was that of the French Kaes defining the analysts as "organizers and metapsychical metasociali. As individuals we are born into relationships and the psychological groupality. But at the same time it is essential that you hold the bar of singularities, otherwise we risk concepts uniformity. And, as we know, the approval of individuality leads to the totalitarian regimes of all signs. Psychoanalysis has managed to survive and to stay current because it has held firm on the need to look at as a separate subjectivity is that individual as a relationship with the plurality. Be it family, neighborhood, city, country, world. And today, even ethnicity.

The company is able to actualize in the Freudian sense? E 'flexible to change, and out of himself?
Like the rest of the world, even Freudian society, thank God, is made up of many individuals. As we said before, the social dimension of psychoanalysis is so current that the keynote speaker for this conference comes to meta-analysts such as social workers. But here too there are risks, such as those close to individuals in "ghettos" ethnic or generational. To avoid them, and find ways most appropriate for psycho-analysis, we just want to operators desiring a high degree of participation and passion to what is happening in the world, even outside the studio.

Already, the study. Sometimes it may look like a prison, at least for the patient. But it is a risky place for the analyst?
Yes, when it becomes a secure environment too, so claustrophobic.

I ask you a general question, to figure out what is the condition of research at this time. What is the health status of psychoanalysis?
Psychoanalysis does not exist, there are "the" psychoanalysis, even in the Freudian school. Justice would not uniform. The state of health is to a family that is very enlarged and who was also mixed race marriages. And so it has to be integrated within itself aspects of life and existential thought that Freud could not know. Simply because in his time did not exist.

The feminist movement, just as an example. As experience has contaminated psychoanalysis, in thought and practice?
The work that I brought to this conference talks about feminism also as a social meta-operator in the sense that gave structure to an imaginary woman on distantissimo than alive at the time of Freud. He had understood to belong to a world where women could speak only through the hysteria, but there it stopped. Must come empowerment of women, the centrality of the mother developed by Melanie Klein, the birth of the theory of difference and women who prepare themselves for a symbolic value across the board, I would say to work a reversal epoch. What

revolutionized psychoanalysis, feminism?
The need to think about the difference between the sexes not as an inequality, but with a difference. Although psychoanalysis has long underpinned the latter case, supporting the idea of \u200b\u200ba feminine all inscribed in the track of the liability and accommodation. Curious, I say, that this imagery has gone its own structuring of capitalism at the turn of the explosion, with the women think is the best breeding to the production ... is not a case, no?

are entering into a politico-economic discourse that may not belong to all the processing psychoanalytic present ....
And in fact I think the reason for some of the outdated aspects of the great psychoanalytic theory on female should be sought not so much within the theory itself, and in the context of the history of bourgeois capitalism. If you reach this size, we will continue to quarrel among schools without understanding that there is a continuous dialogue between psychoanalysis and the times in which psychoanalysis lives and earthquake that change from within.

What are the conclusions that drew, in his speech?
What we are faced with two basic models of change in organizing our society: the family and the mother. The place that these two entities - so closely linked together - are now dealing with people's lives is no longer that of the past. To understand what I mean, we should read Derrida and that magnificent book-length interview granted to the psychoanalyst Elisabeth Roudinescu shortly before his death, titled "What tomorrow." In the chapter "Families disordered" Derrida says as long as there is a human network that is organized around the procreation (hence the reproduction of the species) who will play less and less important. The important thing is that it creates a bond of transmission.

A way of saying that the family is finally bursting, at least as we know it today?
There are already single-parent families (who often still the mother in the middle), but according to my observations will soon be the central figure of the father. A reflection on what I'm working hard, the paternity of a new sensibility that comes from a male that we have not sufficiently analyzed. Men are not as substitutes for mothers, but with an original contact with the early childhood of their children. But that's another story, which I hope we will soon face.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Itchy Rash After Waxing

Italy urges EU to transpose rules against homophobia

The European Commission wrote a letter to Italy, Latvia and Finalandia regretting the failure to transpose directives against discrimination for sexual orientation. Said on Tuesday in Brussels on MEP Marco Cappato who had submitted a question on the failure to transpose Directive 2000/78/EC against discrimination for sexual orientation.
The European Commission announced today that it has sent to the three Member States "letters of formal notice posters about problems related to the full implementation of the provisions prohibiting discrimination based on sexual orientation," Cappato said.
"is expected in the coming months the Commission will take further decision in respect of infringement cases," he added.

The subject is topical in Italy after the Democratic Party Senator Paola Binetti, teodem area, denied their vote of confidence in the government decree on security last week to protest against the law on gender equality introduced by a amendment of the radical left


ArciGay: "Do not vote more than this majority "- December 11, 2007

" Let me be clear right now that will not forget, at the next election, who in a few days deemed to cancel the anti-discrimination rules contained in the security decree. If, as I said Benigni, this majority has vinto grazie al voto di 24 mila coglioni gay, assicuriamo da oggi che molti e molti di più di costoro non si faranno più gabbare». Con queste parole Aurelio Mancuso, presidente nazionale dell’ArciGay, apre un comunicato durissimo contro l’attuale maggioranza, dopo le prese di posizione in Senato delle componenti cattoliche, a volte apertamente omofobe – viene citato il caso della senatrice Paola Binetti dell’Ulivo. L’ArciGay ricorda con preoccupazione che l’Italia sta diventando un paese dove è difficile vivere per le persone glbtq. E Mancuso sottolinea che questi temi, che incidono sulla vita concreta delle persone, vengono trattati dai politici «con disprezzo intriso d’oggettiva ignoranza e pregiudizio».