Wednesday, November 21, 2007

How To Write A Cover Letter To A Clothes Store

Left: Plural and Gender

The perception of being part of the male gender is not an obvious step, talvolta la si raggiunge attraverso un fatto traumatico, allora sei costretto a chiederti come sia possibile essere uomini esattamente come quei padri, fratelli, fidanzati, amici che fanno della violenza contro le donne il loro saluto di tutti i giorni. Amare una donna e sentirsi raccontare che con la stessa giustificazione le veniva usata violenza può essere la leva iniziale per porsi domande sulla propria sessualità, sul proprio genere, sulle modalità con le quali si entra in contatto con i corpi delle altre e degli altri. Assai più complicato è sentirsi parte di quel genere "causa di disagio" per le proprie simili di cui ha scritto Lea Melandri su questo giornale. Ulteriore difficoltà pensare di collocarsi tra coloro che in termini classici call "exploited", "subordinate", "oppressed" and be at the same time the genre agent of oppression. Described as "comrades" and realize they can not bastare.Oggi, September 30, at 11 am in Rome, at the National Directorate of the PRC, the Young Communists of the male gender will kick off a path of discussion so far untested, born ( between ambiguity and laughing) during the national camp in Sapri: "From De-Generation to Gener-Action Re-male". The beginning of a journey that we bring out the paradox that violence against women, which appears in the media with her face only marginal, and the public of the rape, which too often has seen victims or neo-adolescent girls, is a fact that concerns only the female gender. The paradox is that while the second leading cause of death in Europe for women is domestic violence, gender and accuses the other of a structural phenomenon of striking dimensions, politics, and male gender perceive phenomena as facts of violation regarding the individual deviance and everything seems to be confined to the chapter summary of crime like the theft, or murder as a settling of scores. The mere existence of a movement, then a collective reaction to conflict is a sign that it is not certain of deviance.

The meeting today will start to experience a budget twice as spokesman (a man and a woman) that our organization has chosen during the last national conference, but also arises from the need to put a theme at a time of reorganization of the political left. The theme is this: While we strive for an alternative society, think of the passing of neoliberalism, considered equally important and intrinsically linked to civil rights and social rights is not enough, unless we set ourselves the goal of subverting the tone of relations between the sexes. The objective of killing the patriarchal totalitarianism, which has no class distinction. We believe that this is a debate that now has to flood the left. On October 20 we will be in place between those steps knowing that the left begins to muoversi.La depth of the various platforms that are being expressed around this time tell us that on October 20 assumes the character of a turning point for the left in this country. Editorials in newspapers from distant promoters incense the date as the baptism of a new left unity and plurality. We'll be there, which clears against a precarious relations between the bodies, returning to feed the addiction of new generations of the family's departure, so that it assumes more and more, the characteristics of a real social safety net. An insecurity that fuels the creation of a welfare familistic and it portrays the family - that declined in the singular, nuclear, heterosexual, bonded by marriage - as the only certainty abruptness of the changes in the life of each and then only subject to which the state allocates funds and legitimacy. But if the moments after that date and will be dedicated to what is left, we mean what we think. We, a subject, not only of the transformation of this society to another, that to be truly alternative is the same way against the pervasiveness of the ideology as warping of human relations, and the rule of a kind sugl'altri . Defeat is the one does not automatically defeat the other. With immediate mobilization must hold together these two major issues knowing that the way of struggle are very different but one can not be more important and visible than the other. This conflict, for its scale, its difficulties of construction, it is as radical as that class, because it attacks the roots of society we want to transform, we do not think you can put some all'artifizio intellectualism, to references in the moments Congress, the "conference". We will launch an appeal to the left at the time of its reorganization because we can pose the problem that the manner in which we'll be together can not be neutral. Be able to choose a left alternative all'imputridimento cultural life that leads to the crime of violence against women by rooting for a incriminato contro un altro senza leggere quanto di noi c´è sulla scena di quel delitto.

Daniele Licheri & Luca Stanzione - (Pubblicato su "Liberazione" del 5/11/2007 )


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