Wednesday, July 28, 2010

What Season Does Vegeta And Bulma Meet

need a paperweight

Download Bile is the blog that we love. Here we have our roots, our hopes, our horizons. Here we have learned, from Linus Giustazzi and life, our craft of pain in the ass. Here we learned the passion for satire in poor taste.
We chose to take the field and to be candidate Blog Award 2010 Ste because it needs a paperweight, and those of Satire Prize of Forte dei Marmi have finished them (it seems that he has bought up Ezio Greggio) . We do not want to live in an illiberal country, ruled by claque satirical immature people and intertwined issues in a past punctuated by various Balloon, and Gini Martufello Bramieri different.
order to make this new lifestyle choice, there propiniamo il seguente "form " da compilare segnalando il blog ScaricaBile in quattro categorie (non di più altrimenti annullano tutto i soliti giudici comunisti), e il Maestro Lino Giustazzi come bloggher dell'anno.

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Ecco come vorremmo che compilaste parte della scheda per la nomination:

[ perché una scheda sia valida bisogna votare almeno per 8 categorie e  non si deve votare in più di 4 categorie lo stesso blog . In virtually every category required the name of the blog and just below the address ]

1. Best Blog

2. Blogger year
Lino Giustazzi

3. Blog revelation

6. Best group blog

29. Best Political Blog